The Secret Love... Part 1

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Takes place between HTTYD 2 and The Hidden World


Hiccup took over as Chief of Berk after the late passing of his father Stoick. He had his mother, Valka, for when he needed advice on hard decisions. But, when Hope, his sister, got cursed to be a mermaid until she found love, and got married, Hiccup was left in charge. Hope visited Hiccup at a shoreline whenever Hiccup could. Then, ever since Hiccup became Chief, many other Chiefs, kings, and queens brought their daughters, hoping that Hiccup would choose one to be his wife. But, he didn't choose any of them. But every person has their secrets. And Hiccup's is as secret as it could get.

"Astrid! Have you seen Heather!" Hope swam up to her friend, her Auburn hair flowing behind her as she flipped her bright white scaled tail with lavender and robins egg blue streaks that glistened in the sun, sparkling as bright as her emerald eyes

"No, I haven't. Why?" Astrid turned around, her bright blue eyes meeting Hope's as her blonde hair following suit, her blue and yellow tail turning with her, with her sharp scales being able to cut through the toughest of coral

"I found the shell necklace her mother gave her when she was a baby that she's been looking for and wanted to give it to her as quick as possible." Hope held up a navy blue conch shell on a string found at the surface

"Where did you find it! She's been stressing about it for weeks!" Astrid exclaimed

"It was in her favorite thinking spot, it was in a crack and I managed to get it out without a scratch or crack."

"Well, maybe you'll find her in the town, that's my best bet."

"Alright, thanks, Astrid!" Hope started off as quick as she could to their underwater town called 'Coral Cove'

When she got there she checked some of Heather's favorite stores

"Heather! There you are! I've been looking for you all day!" Hope exclaimed when she found her friend

"Hey Hope, is everything alright?" Heather turned with worry filled green eyes, her jet black hair tied up with a seaweed scrunchy, her silver tail covered in as sharp of scales as Astrid's

"Oh everything is fine, I just wanted to tell you that I found this." Hope gestured to Heather's necklace

"Where in the oceans did you find that!" Heather exclaimed as she grabbed it from Hope "I've been looking all over for it!"

"In your thinking cave, it found its way into a crevasse."

"Thank you so much for finding it!" Heather hugged her friend

"It's no problem, what were you shopping for?" Hope asked

"A present for my nephew. I told my brother I would get him a dagger, since his family is visiting Berk in a few days and his birthday is in a few months, thought that I would give it to him now since he has his Chiefly duties to attend to." Heather explained

"And why would Dagur give his son a dagger when he's only two years old?"

"He's my brother, you know how he gets sometimes."

"I know, I can just imagine Mala's reaction to it." Hope laughed

"Oh, gods I wish that woman the best of luck."

"Well, I'm going back to my cave, I'll talk to you later Heather."

"See you later Hope!" Heather waved as Hope started swimming away

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