I'm Sorry.../Heret

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Today, wasn't a normal day. It had been a year since Stoick's death, and six months since Hope came into the picture. Now, mind you, Hope never to meet Stoick, and barely remembered what he looked like, sure, she had a hint of blue in her eyes and some red streaks in her hair to remind everyone of him. But, today, Hope disappeared. Hiccup didn't know where she went, Astrid didn't know, Valka didn't know, and even Eret, her husband, didn't know where she went. And so....here is where she went....

"Any sign of her?" Hiccup walked up to Eret in the Great Hall

"No...where could she have gone?" Eret had his head in his hands, but then looked up at Hiccup

"I don't know Eret, but, what I do know is that she will return."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive"

"Hiccup, can I ask you something?" Astrid walked up to the both of them,

"Sure, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine, but, think about what happened and year ago today."

"Stoick passed away" Eret stood up

"And who did Hope never get to meet?"

"Dad" Hiccup had a confused look on his face

"Well, remember how we told her where we had his funeral?"

"Yeah? Where are you going with this?"

"Wait! I know where she is!" Eret finally realised where his sister in law was going

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go get her!" Hiccup started to the door, with Eret and Astrid following tut sweet

Hiccup told Valka where they were headed. She asked if she could tag along, and they all said yes. So, the four of them where now on their way to the place where they all said goodbye one last time... Valka's Sanctuary...

"Here we are." Hiccup pointed ahead

"Now, let's go find her." Eret took the lead

When they got there, they let the dragons play around while they went to search for her


"Hey Dad. It's me. I just wanted to come say Hi, and, catch you up on what's been happening at Berk Eve since you left. So, Hiccup and Astrid got married, finally. And shortly after, I did, me and Eret are very happy with one another. I'm now also Co-Chief with Hiccup, which, was, weird at first, but then it just became a normal task. Of course, Hiccup and I had a little of a rocky start, literally. Heather, Mala, Dagur and their son Oswald, he is 3 and has Dagur's hair and face shape, but Mala's eyes. They came to visit about a month ago. But, besides the weddings and visits, nothing much else has been going on, besides how much more buildings for the dragons have been put up, it's a Utopia. We found the hidden world you told Hiccup about, and, it's so beautiful. Eret has been taking great care of Skullcrusher, him and Eret bonded nicely, but, there is never a day where Skullcrusher just sits in the Great Hall, waiting for you. The misses you. We miss you, we all do. I know that I never got to see you again, and you me, but, when the Vikings of Berk look at me, they see a little bit of you in me, mainly physical traits. But all I'm trying to say is that, I love you Dad, no matter where you are, I will always love you. I survived and I'm sorry...for everything..." Hope started crying harder than she ever had.

What she didn't know is that all of them heard her little speech, and Eret decided to walk up to her

"We both miss you..." Eret set a hand on Hope's shoulder, she jumped

"Aah!" Hope jumped to her feet

"Sorry dear, you okay?"

"It's-it's okay, and I-I-I'm fine, h-h-h-how l-l-long had yo-you been stan-ding there?" Hope tried to slow her breathing, but to no avail

"Long enough to hear your speech, come here" Eret held his arms open, and she immediately wrapped her arms around his torso

"I never got to tell him that I was alive...he had to live with the grief of my death and moms, until you guys found her, but he still had my deaths grief on his shoulders....I never got to relief him of that...." Hope just kept crying into his shoulder

"I know...I know, why not we head home? It's getting late." Eret let her still cry on his shoulder

"Hope?" Hiccup walked up to them

"Y-y-yeah?" Hope started to calm down

"I know that dad heard that, and is probably relived that your safe now." Hiccup took her hands in his


"Well, I know that I am" Hiccup brought her into a hug


"I am too" Astrid hugged her sister, knowing that she was glad to have one

"And it's true when you say that we see a little of him" Valka ran her hands through her hair, holding a red strand of it in her hand "in you" she set her hand over Hope's heart

"Thanks guys, now, let's head home, I'm starving"

"Alright, let's go" Eret linked hands with Hope as they asked to their dragons

That day marked the first of many yearly updates for Stoick. Now only did Hope go every year, but Hiccup, Eret, Valka and Astrid tagged along too sometimes. As Hope got older, the red streaks became brighter, and the blue in her eyes became more vibrant.

And Stoick...loved hearing her speech, and the ones that followed after....

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