Surprise? | Heret One Shot

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"It's uh- heh- It's saying that it's-" Hope stuttered as she looked at the back of it

"Give it here." Astrid snagged the test and flipped it over "It's negative."

"Oh. It's negative." Hope grabbed her tea "That's okay. I mean- this gives us time to do our plan. Find a house and whatnot." Hope started tearing up a little "I mean- we could've always turned my office into a nursery, I could work at the table, to save space. But I mean, it's negative, we're okay now." Hope sipped at her tea "But if they had his eyes and my button nose? That would be adorable you would have to admit. Wait- no what am I talking about, we didn't want kids yet. They would've been super cute, and there is a chance of having twins since Hiccup and I are twins, twins run in the family. So is it actually negative?"

"No it's positive." Astrid smiled

"Astrid!" Hope grabbed the test back, seeing two very opaque pink lines "It's positive. Why would you do that?!"

"To see how you really felt about having kids." Astrid readjusted Zephyr

"That moves sounds familiar" Hope took another sip of her tea "You pulled a Pheobe from Friends!"

"When Rachel found out she was pregnant at Monica's wedding? Yes. Yes, I did."

"How long have you had that planned Astrid?" Hope pocketed the test

"Ever since we first watched the episode." Astrid smirked

"You're sneaky Hofferson. I'm gonna have to watch you and Zephyr, you two could team up when she's older or something." Hope wagged a finger between the two of them

"Congrats though Hope." Astrid hugged her sister in law, Zephyr hugged as well

"Thanks Astrid. But you can't tell anyone, not even Hiccup, okay?"

"I promise. You are going to tell Eret tonight though, right?"

"Yes I'm going to tell him!" Hope sat down, grabbing Zephyr and bouncing her on her lap "But this stays between you, me and Eret. No one else until I'm three months."

"I promise I won't tell anyone." Astrid tickled Zephyr, her squirming in Hope's hold

"Thank you." Hope sighed "How am I going to tell Eret? How did you tell Hiccup?"

"Well... Hiccup had just gotten back from the two weeks that he went to New York for business, so, I waited till the next day to tell him. When I told him, he was in a little bit of shock, but, all around her was thrilled that we were having a kid." Astrid handed Zephyr another bite of the snack she was eating "And when Hiccup first held her? I almost cried. The way he looked at her was just- the feeling was amazing."

"So he was shocked at first, but then excited." Hope nodded

Astrid handed Zephyr another bite "Don't think that Eret will react the same way Hope. Everyone can react differently to this kind of news. Just be prepared for anything and everything."

"Got it."

"Well, little miss is getting tired." Astrid saw Zephyr yawn and rub her eyes "Could you set up the pack and play crib?"

"I'm on it." Hope passed a sleepy Zephyr to Astrid

Hope set up the pack and play crib in her office, getting sheets to put on the mattress

"What shall we do for the time being?" Astrid gently closed the door

"I have some orders to get in. Mind helping me?" Hope grabbed a box of supplies

Hope opened the box "How many and of what?" Astrid eyed all of the beads

"Here's the list."


"Thank you so much for letting us over." Astrid packed her bag

"It was no problem Astrid. I always have time for you guys." Hope squeezed Zephyr goodbye

"You've got this, take care. I'll see you soon." Hope handed Astrid Zephyr

"Bye Zeph!" Hope waved

"Bye-bye!" Zephyr waved

Just as Hope closed the door, her phone started going off

"Hi babe." Hope smiled

"Hey Hope. I'm on my way home, should only take an hour. Feeling any better?"

"I do think that I just needed rest. Astrid and Zephyr also stopped over today so I got to hang out with them."

"I'm glad. How are they doing by the way?"

"They're doing good. We got to talk, might've had a small glass of wine each while Zeph had yogurt bites."

"Sounds like a good time. I'm getting in the car, I'll see you soon."

"See you soon, bye."

"Bye." Beep

"See you soon." Hope smiled


"Hope! I'm home!" Eret opened the door

"Hey Eret. How was your day?" Hope walked over and gave Eret a kiss

"It was alright. Smith slipped on the wet floor again."

"Isn't that the fourth time that's happened?"

"This time he was holding a shipment of eggs." Eret set hung his coat up

"Oh god did your manager flip again?"

"He got an earful before I removed myself from the conflict due to the fact I couldn't stop laughing."

"I have a surprise for you." Hope played with the test in her pocket

"Do you now? I could've sworn I already proposed."

Hope chuckled "No not that. Sit down."

Hope and Eret sat down on the couch

"So, I found out why I've been sick for the past two weeks. Astrid helped me find out what was wrong." Hope started explaining

"Is everything okay?" Eret began to worry

Hope started panicking "Everything is fine. We just might have to rethink our plan."

"What do you mean?"

"Close your eyes." Eret proceeded with the action "Hold your hands out."

"Why?" Eret held his hands out

Hope pulled the test out of her pocket and placed it in Eret's "With your eyes closed, try and figure out what it is."

"Are there cameras? Is this one of those videos you keep showing me?" Eret grabbed the test

"It's not a video, I promise." Hope felt her heart wanting to beat out of her chest

"I- I have no clue what this could be." Eret kept his eyes closed "Can I just open my eyes now?"

"Not the point of the game but yes."

Eret opened his eyes, flipping the test around to the front

"Is this-?" Eret looked up at Hope "Are you serious?"

"Surprise?" Hope felt ready to explode

"This is amazing!" Eret leaned over and hugged Hope

"You're not upset?" Hope hugged back

"Why would I?" Eret pulled away "I know that we've never talked about it, but, maybe this is a sign that we're ready."

"We're having a kid." Hope felt tears track down

"I love you so much." Eret wiped away Hope's tears

"I love you too." They leaned in and kissed

The Haddock family just got a little bigger

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