Girl Talk/Rufflout

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It was a quiet day on Berk, it was Midday, and a certain viking was a little distressed. Ruffnut. She had to tell someone, so she got Astrid, Hope and Heather together and they went to a small clearing in the forest.

If you zoom in on the photo I linked number 3 is called Ruffnut's dilemma, so this is what I think it would be

"Okay Ruff, you brought us out here, what's wrong?" Hope sat down, with he back against a tree

"Well, it would be better if you all sat down before I told you this." Ruffnut had a worried look on her face

"Okay, are you sure your alright Ruff?" Astrid was worrying too, she sat in between Hope and Heather

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just, so, obviously, you all are parents now." Ruff gestured to them

Hiccup and Astrid have Stoick who is 3, Hope and Eret have Erika who is 2, and Heather and Fishlegs have Tucker who is 1, they were visiting Berk since Dagur is the King of the Defenders of the Wing, that made Heather chief

"Yeah, what are you getting at?" Heather was concerned, then she got up

"Well, I don't know how to break the news to Snotlout..." Ruff's voice trailed off

"Wait! Your-" Hope realized jumping up

"Yeah, I found out this morning, Gothi said that I'm about 3 weeks now" Ruffnut said looking at the ground

"Oh my gods Ruff, that's amazing!" Astrid sprang from her seat and hugged her

"Congrats Ruff!" Heather hugged her as well

"That's amazing Ruff, so what were you going to say?" Hope asked, holding Ruff's hands in hers

"That's just it! I don't know what to say, that's why I asked you all here!" Ruff threw her hands up

"Well, here say this-" Astrid started

"Snotlout, I need to tell you something" Hope said

"What is it Ruff?" Heather joined in

"So, this will be hard at first, but I just wanted to let you know that I love you"

"I love you too, but, what is it?"



"I'm pregnant"

"Try that and see what his reaction is" Astrid looked at her

"That's it? I thought it was harder than that!" Ruff looked at them

"No, not really, that's basically how I told Fishlegs back at Berserker Island" Heather shrugged

"That's how I told Eret" Hope said

"Same with me, that's how I told Hiccup"

"But everyone has different reactions, I know that Fishlegs was a happy, squeaky little mess" Heather giggled

"And Eret was basically frozen for like five minutes before he fainted, came to another five minutes later, then he kissed me" Hope shrugged

"And Hiccup was over the moon about it since he always wanted to be a father" Astrid walked over to Ruff

"Look, all we are saying is that weather he passes out, is a squeaky mess, or is over the moon, he's gonna be there for you no matter what" She held Ruff's hands in hers before hugging her

"Thanks guys, I mean it" Ruffnut said

"Now go tell him!" Heather patted her on the back

"Alright, wish me luck, and, don't tell anyone else" Ruffnut started to her hut

"Good luck! We won't!" They waved her goodbye

Ruffnut made her way to their hut, where she waited for Snotlout to get back from training, once he got back, it was time for her to tell him

"Hey Snotlout, I need to tell you something..." Ruffnut walked up to him

"Okay, is everything okay?" Snotlout looked concerned

"Everything is fine, but I think you should sit down for this"

They took a seat on the couch they had

"So, what do you need to tell me?" Snotlout was getting more concerned

"So, just know that this will be hard at first, but, I love you so much" Ruff took his hands in hers

"I love you too"

"Okay, here goes nothing... Snotlout."


"I'm pregnant"

No response

"Snotlout? Talk to me, please"

"Your-your serious?" Snotlout's look changed dramatically

"Yeah, yeah I'm serious"

"This is amazing Ruffnut!" Snotlout kissed her

"How far are you?" He asked after they pulled away

"About three weeks"

"When did you find out?"

"This morning"

"So we're gonna have a baby?"


"I love you so much" Snotlout hugged her

"I love you too"

At the Great Hall

"Hey Snotlout, Hey Ruffnut" Hiccup greeted as they sat at the table

"Hey guys, we um, have some news" Snotlout intertwined his hand with Ruff's

"What is the news?" Fishlegs handed Tucker to Heather

"Well, um, we are going to be parents in nine months" Ruffnut blurted out

"Wait, your-" Eret started

"Pregnant?" Hiccup finished for his brother in law

"Yeah, I am"

"Congrats guys!" Fishlegs patted Snotlout on the back

"That's great news you two!" Eret congratulated

"Well, looks like once you guys have your baby we will all have officially become adults" Hiccup chuckled

"Wait, why aren't Astrid, Hope and Heather freaking out?" Fishlegs realized

"Did you guys already know?" Eret asked looking at Hope

"Maybe" all the girls, including Ruffnut said, smirking

And with that, another member would be added to the next generation of Dragon Riders

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