A/N... Nother New Book

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So, this is for all those Marvel fans out there


It was a chilly day when my aunt and I got out of an ice cream shop after Church. I changed as to not mess up my Church outfit because mommy would be upset. I got a chocolate cone with sprinkles while my aunty got a mint chocolate chip with peanuts

"Hey, aunty?" I asked, my pigtails bouncing as I skipped

"Yes, Petra?" She replied

"How do they make chocolate ice cream?"

"Well, they add chocolate like the kind you get in your Easter eggs and put it in the ice cream."

"Oooh. Got it." I took a lick of my ice cream "Do you think Peter knows that?"

"Maybe you could tell him when we get back."

As we were walking down the block, I saw an ally coming up, as well as a few people dressed in black

"Evening May, how might you bee doing today. And who might this little girl be?" A man at the bus stop greeted

"Hey there John, I'm doing well thank you. This is my niece Petra, we were just out getting ice cream as a little girls day out while Ben has Peter since their parents took a flight."

"Hi" I greeted shyly from behind aunty

"Hello there," He said back

The wind blew, causing me to shiver

"You cold?" Aunty asked

"Uh-huh." I took another lick of my ice cream

"Well, we should be heading off. I don't want her getting sick with school tomorrow."

"I'll see you around May. Have a good day." The man said

"Bye John. Nice talking to you."

As we continued towards the ally, the guys dressed in black looked like they wanted to say hi


The next thing I knew, one of the guys pulled me away from Aunty and pulled my arms behind my back, the other guy made aunty fall down

"No aunty!" I exclaimed "Let me go! Let me go!" I started wiggling around

"Will you shut her up or will I?" The man who made aunty fall down asked

"I've got it." The man holding me put a cloth over my nose and mouth

I wiggled and screamed till I felt tired and fell asleep


So this book is about Peter Parker's twin sister getting kidnapped by HYDRA at age four and her journey through the missions she's put on, it's on my account Petra_Parker and will be out soon

Hope any Marvel fans out there might like it


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