I'll Love You After Your Long Gone

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Hi, my name is Hiccup Haddock, I'm 17, go to Berkly Village High School, and, I have superpowers. I'm your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. And this is how I lost the love of my life. A.H. Astrid Hofferson, I've known her since we were kids.


"Dude this place is amazing!" Fishlegs was just gawking in awe

"I know right!" I readjust my slowly slipping glasses back to the top of the bridge of my nose

"All the photos we could get here are incredible!" Hope got her camera at the ready

Today we were at a local lab, and they had such cool stuff here, all sorts of different chemicals and experiments and new tech, it was super cool. Our tour had led us to the spider section. I was never a big fan of spiders.

"Hey Hiccup, I'm going to go over there with Heather and Ruff, stay out of trouble please." Astrid set her hand on my shoulder before heading over to her friends

"Fishlegs move please, I wanna take a photo," I ask/whine before pulling out my camera

I didn't notice but one of the radioactive spiders had gotten loose and crawled onto my hand, it bit me, and man did it hurt

"Ow, what the-?" I look down to see one of the spiders on me, I flick it off, it then lands on my sister and does the same

"Hey, what was that- eew!" Hope brushed it off of her, then the class kept moving

The next day

I woke up, not wanting to get out of bed, but, I reluctantly did. When I got up, I grabbed the thick-framed glasses that I wear all the time due to my poor eyesight. I walk past my mirror to get clothes from my closet, but then stop, walk back so I'm in front of it. I notice that I have a bigger build than normal, I have muscles, not the bulging type like the jocks that bully me at school, but they were as noticeable as my six pack. My vision was blurry like I didn't have my glasses on. I take them off only to see that I don't need them. I then go to throw them into a basket on my floor, but, a web was attached to them and the web was coming from my wrist. I froze. I then head over to my sister's room to see if the same this v has happened to her

"Hey sis, you okay in there?" I knock on her door

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, you can come in!" She yelled so I could hear

"Have you seen the fact that we-" I was cut off

"Don't need our glasses and that webs are coming out of our hands and-" I cut her off this time

"And that we have legit muscles and our senses are dialed up to eleven!"

"Yeah, I noticed," we both said

End flashback

"It's over Goblin! You're cornered!" I yell from my side of the room

"There's no escape!" SpiderWoman, a.k.a my sister, Hope yelled as well

"What do you mean over?" Goblin took out one of his pumpkin bombs and it exploded upon impact of the ground

The building proceeds to burst into flames, we both get shot back, we were on the top floor of Astrid's work building, so flaming debris starts descending to the lower floors

"Where did he go?" I cough due to the smoke

"I-I don't know, I'll go after him, you go and find Astrid!" Hope swung off

"Okay, I'll see you soon" I start to make my way through the building making sure no one was hurt

Hope swung off in the general direction of where Goblin was going, while I made it outside of the building after saving about 10 people then finding Astrid, passed out on the ground with people surrounding her

"Astrid!" I land on the ground and rush over to her, no one was around since the police, fire trucks and ambulances got here, so I'm able to take off my mask

"No, no, no, please!" I cradle her body in my arms

"Hiccup?" She said faintly

"Astrid, your hurt! We need to get you some help!"

"I-I-I won't make it over there, my wound is too big, I've lost to much blood.."

"No, please! You can!"


"Yeah, Astrid?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, and I'll love you till your gone....gone....gone."

Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, I was left there to have racking sobs that shook my whole body. Hope came up behind me and tell to her knees.

"Oh, Hiccup. I'm so sorry." She put her arm around my shoulder

"It's okay," I told myself that every day till her funeral

I brought her head to my chest, sobbing, with my head resting on Hope's shoulder, her head on mine. And that's, how I lost the love of my life...

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