The Two You Never Thought Of

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(Based on photo above)

Modern AU

"*Clicks fork to wine glass* Attention, attention everyone, hello, I'm Hope, one of the bridesmaids (I wanted her to be the maid of honor, but obviously that role would be Heather) Hiccups sister, and as my speech, I would like to tell you all, how Hiccup asked Astrid out for the first time. Let's begin."

Story begins

Hiccup and Astrid were complete opposites, yet each had a crush on the other, that the other didn't know about. You see why no one thought they would get together is because of how different they are. Hiccup was your typical A+ student/nerd. He never missed a day, and always aced his tests. Astrid on the other hand was head of basically every team at high school, soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, football and she was also a cheerleader, and professional dancer. She was the most athletic student there was. I was also on some teams, cheerleading being one.
They met when they were both five, and were good friends, till they were fifteen, then they drifted apart. They of course still talked, only when they had time. And how Hiccup asked Astrid out, and confessed his feelings to her is the most amazing thing.

So Hiccup was sitting on the bleachers, sketching Astrid, while Astrid was finishing up practicing with me and the other cheerleaders. While she was packing up the equipment, after everyone left, I went to Hiccup to pack my stuff, then she tripped on a ball, and her knee collided with a corner of the other bleachers. She fell to the ground, and Hiccup imedeatly ran over to help her. I followed him.

"Astrid! Are you okay?" Hiccup asked concerned

"Yeah." She winced "I'm perfectly fine." Astrid said in slight pain

"You don't seem fine." I said

"I'm fine Hiccup."

"Here, let me help you up." Hiccup said

He got her on her good foot. He wrapped his arm around her waist, waiting to get punched in the gut, but he didn't.

"Thanks Hiccup, I guess" Astrid said steading herself

"Why not I get you to my house, we can take my car?" Hiccup asked grabbing her bag

"If it makes you feel better about me, that seems okay." Astrid said hoping on her good leg to get to Hiccups car

"I'll get the rest of the equipment Astrid, see you guys later." I said pulling the rest of the equipment in

"Okay sis, see you soon." Hiccup said

Once they got there

"Here we are." Hiccup said opening the door

"Wow, I haven't seen your house in years." Astrid said looking around at the subtle changes, till she felt sniffing on her leg

"Who are these guys Hiccup?" Astrid asked

"Oh, that's Toothless, I got him a little while after I turned 15, I saved him from the pound. Since he lost his back left leg, no one wanted him, but since he was like me, I adopted him. He's a black lab. And that's Treasure, she's Hope's white lab. Rare type of lab (I think, but I don't know much about dogs since I've never had one) she has the same back left leg gone, and so Hope got her a little after she turned 15 too, from the pound obviously. They are siblings, and are really well trained." Hiccup concluded

"Wow, I wonder how much these guys have been through. Is the pound you got them from the same pound that Hope volunteers at?" Astrid asked him, while peting them the best she could

"Yeah, here let me help you to the couch, then I'll go grab a med kit." Hiccup said walking to the living room

He then set her down, ran upstairs and got the med kit, then ran back downstairs

"Here we go, got it Astrid." Hiccup said while sitting next to her

"Thanks, so..."


"How, have you been Hiccup?"

"I've been better, you?" Hiccup asked while starting to work on her knee

"Good. I wonder if I'll be able to participate in the game tomorrow."

"I don't think so, sorry about that. And Astrid, can I tell you something?"

"It's okay, and yeah?"

"Well... I've um... had kinda of... a... umm... crushonyou."

"A what?"

"A crush on you..." He said while finishing up wrapping Astrids knee, blushing slightly

"Oh...well I've kinda had one on you too..." Astrid said blushing a dark shade of crimson

They then slowly leaned in, and soon found each other's lips brushing on the other, then they pulled away


"Yes Hiccup?"

"Would you wanna go out sometime?"

"I would love that"

They then kissed again, followed by them shifting into Astrid snuggling Hiccup, and watching something on the T.V. That is, until Astrid had to go home, and then I came home.

End story

"And so that's how Hiccup asked Astrid out for the very first time. Now I may not have seen any other of the firsts in their relationship, but I know that I'm only wishing them the best for the rest of their lives. To Hiccup and Astrid, may their love grow stronger every day." I said raising my glass

"To Hiccup and Astird!" The crowd replied

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