We Will Find Her

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It was an average day that turned sour

"Have fun throwing axes." Hiccup kissed Astrid for a few seconds before she jogged to catch up with Heather

"I will!" She shouted over her shoulder

Hiccup went back to work with his sister, she was doing paperwork and tasks around the village so Hiccup could focus on the saddles with no worry.


"So that's how you became Chief of the Berserkers?" Astrid asked her friend stunned

"Yep, that's how. I didn't think I was ready, but Dagur thought otherwise, so, now I'm Chief" Heather threw her ax at a tree, embedding it in the dark chocolate bark

"Well, wait till Fishlegs hears about-"

"Astrid? Astrid?" Heather grabbed her ax and spun around

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" Heather ran over to Astrid, who was struggling against a masked figure

"I'm just taking what's rightfully mine, what do you want?" He hissed

"My friend!" Heather charged at the masked man, only to have a needle plunged into her neck, her limp body hit the ground

"Heather!" Astrid shouted, but it was muffled due to the cloth in her mouth

"Now, let's go." The figure swung Astrid over his shoulder

She tried to set herself free, but the restraints were too hard to get out of. She tried screaming to get attention drawn to her, but they were too far into the forest for anyone to hear her. She was doomed.

"Where are they? They would have been back by now?" Hiccup was pacing back and forth in their hut

"I don't know, but, let's go." Hope started towards the forest

It took them about an hour to find where they were throwing axes

"Heather!" Hope slid down to her knees and set Heathers head in her lap

"Wheres Astrid?" Hiccup looked around

"Hiccup, look." She pointed to Astrid's ax, laying on the ground about 5 feet away from them

"Her ax, she never leaves without it. What could have happened?" He picked it up

"I don't know, maybe Heather does once she wakes up, let's get her home." Hiccup helped lift Heather, wrapping her arm around her shoulder

"Let's hope that she's safe." Hiccup looked at his sister and their unconscious friend


Astrid's P.O.V

I have a blindfold over my eyes. There's a ringing in my ears as my hearing comes back. I hear the swishing of water and my tied body rocks back and forth. I was on a boat. I start trying to break loose from my ropes, but to no avail. I heard loud footsteps coming from the stairs. I then heard then jingling of keys followed by the creaking of a rusted metal door. My eyes were then greeted by the bright light after my blindfold was removed, followed by the cloth in my mouth.

"What do you want?!" I started to try and free myself from the ropes that restrained me

"I want to show you the true pain of what I've been through." His voice was deep and coarse

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I try and get as far away from him as I can

"You can tell yourself that all you want, let's go!" He grabbed my arm and yanked me up to the deck

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