Look at the World

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If this were to be an EXACT two year anniversary of this book, it would have to be published on July 29th. But! June is two year anniversary of my Wattpad account so here is the biggest chapter I've written. Strap in, grab a snack, something to drink cause you need yo stay hydrated and curl up in a blanket.

Heavy inspiration from all the Hiccstrid Tangled AU fanart on Pinterest and MagicaLyss's chapter in their book "Somewhere only we know" a Peter Parker x Harley Keener book, the chapter is titled 'you were my new dream'

When a thin paintbrush sweeps along the tan brick walls behind a dark oak closet, bright white paint blending to make clouds in an ombre sunset sky, it's because the person controlling the brush doesn't have quite a knack for painting.

She could hear her father's footsteps making their way down the twelve-step staircase, a small landing in-between. It was the clicking of shoes against wood, before they shuffled against stone.

With a quickened pace she swept the brush a final time before placing the brush and paints in the chest she was given, and scrambling to push the closet back into its place

"Come down and get some breakfast." Her father called

Her barefeet hit the floor as she pulled the curtain of her bedroom back. She went down the stairs and sat in her chair

"I'll be out today." He spoke through the silence "I need to get a few things."

To say he was angry was an understatement due to his resting face being in a sour mood. Creases and lines showing in his skin.

"Flower gleam and glow..." Astrid sang as her father brushed out her hair

For as long as she could remember, this was a routine job. Sing the song to help her father. Astrid looked over her shoulder to see the lines disappear in thin air, grey hairs turning back to their dark brown.

"Father-" Astrid grabbed the brush and placed it on a small table adjacent to them

"I have errands." Her father cut her off

Astrid's gaze locked onto the floor "It's my birthday coming up." She stated

Her father lifted an eyebrow, no facial features changing to make a different emotion. He hated whenever she brought this up, but, to keep her in good spirits he complied.


"I'm turning eighteen." Astrid continued

Viggo rolled his eyes "Yes. I'm well aware of your birthday Astrid."

Astrid breathed in, shaking her hands out as if she had gotten them wet "I wanna see the lights." Astrid blurted, fear freezing her in her place as her father turned around

"The lights?"

Astrid took another breath, looking up to the sky to blink back the tears threatening to fall "The floating lights." She looked back down at her father "Every year, they go up on my birthday and fill the sky with yellows and purples. Since my birthday is in a few days I wanted to see them. Up close."

Viggo always looked angry. It was his first "mode" of emotion. He had maybe two-three inches on Astrid and a much stockier build "Are you saying you want me to remove from this tower?"

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