The Choice Is Yours...

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(Based on the photo above)

Hope's POV

It was a day like any other, me and Astrid were out for a morning flight/Scouting of the Edge, I was on Toothless, while Astird was on Stormfly. I also had kinda an important job, and that job was to make sure that every morning, Astrid got back to the Edge safely, for Hiccup's sake, and everything was going perfectly fine until...

"Astrid look!" I shouted poining at the ship

"Dragon hunters, what are they doing so close?" Astrid asked

"I don't know, let's take a closer look." I said, flying a bit lower, with Astrid hot on my tail

"*Gasp* Viggo!" I said looking through my spyglass

"Let's take him down!" Astrid said flying towards them

"Astrid no!" I shouted flying after her

"Stormfly!" Astrid shouted, only to find out that Stormfly got hit with a dragon root arrow

"Ah!" Astrid yelled, after she got wrapped up by a chain around her waist, she started bleeding because of a gash in her left side

"Astrid, grab my hand!" I shouted leaning forward on Toothless's saddle

"Almost, there." She said reaching, before being tugged onto deck

"No!" I exclaimed in frustration, and worry "Come on Toothless, we've got to go get Hiccup and the others."

Then I started flying back

Astrid's POV

"Almost, there." I said while trying to reach for Hope's hand

Then a chain came and cut a deep gash in my left side, and wrapped around my waist, pulling me on to deck. I saw Stormfly being lead into a cell, which made me more upset then I already was. Then I saw Viggo walk in front of me.

"Get her a healer, then throw her in a cell." Viggo said while looking at my side

Well, this is great. I saw Hope flying back towards the Edge, probably to get Hiccup and the others. I just hope that help comes soon...

Hiccup's POV

I was standing in front of the stables, waiting for Astrid and my sister, then I saw a black figure descending on to the runway we had made. Wait, just Hope and Toothless, where was Astrid and Stormfly? I have to ask Hope.

"Hey Hope, wheres Astrid?" I asked her

"Umm, that's actually what I need to tell you Hiccup...Viggo has Astrid..." Her voice faded with the last part

I could see the 'I'm so sorry, I'll explain everything' look on her face

"Tell me everything." I said as we walked towards the clubhouse

I gathered everyone so that Hope could tell them what's going on

"Okay, so why are we here again?" Snotlout asked annoyed that he had to be here

"So, while me and Astrid were out on an early morning flight, we saw a dragon hunter ship, we moved in for a closer look, only for Astrid to charge at the ship, Stormfly then got hit with a dragon root arrow and flung Astrid off, I tried to grab her, but Viggo got to her first." Hope explained to everyone

"So I assume you have a plan brother?" Dagur asked me

"Yes, I do. So here it is, Dagur, you, Fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins will distact them while me, Hope and Heather will go in and get her out of there, sound good?" I asked

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