Look How Far We've Come

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It was sunset at Berk, Hiccup was standing at the peak where he and his father stood many years ago (clip for the hidden world). He was looking over the place he had called home all his life, what he's built. What he's accomplished. All for his father... Hope walked up behind him, seeing how something was wrong. She went up next to him and grabbed his hand for comfort...

"Hey, you okay?" Hope looked up at her brother

"This is where I and dad were when I was a toddler when he told me about the hidden world." Hiccup didn't move but tightened his grip on his sister's hand

“And what did he say again?”

This is Berk son, and it’s my job as Chief to protect us, and one day when you’re all grown up, that job will be passed on to you. Then out there, beyond the sunset, lies the home of the dragons. And I believe it’s your destiny to one day find this hidden world. So that people and dragons will fight no more.” Hiccup started tearing up

“And you did Hiccup. You pursued your destiny, and, I know that dad is proud of you…” Hope grabbed both his hands and stood in front of him

“I don’t know Hope. It’s probably not the way he wanted me too…. I mean, he probably thought it would go one way, but, then, I found Toothless, and it probably changed what he wanted my destiny to be. So, I-I-I feels like I di-disappoin-nted him…” He finished in tears

“Oh, Hiccup. You didn’t disappoint him. You made him proud.” Hope lifted her left hand to his cheek, and wiped away some of his tears, before hugging him

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Now let's head home.”

And off did they go, to continue pursuing the destiny set out for them

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