Please Don't Scare Me Like That Again

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Previously on We Will Find Her

"Astrid? Astrid?" Heather grabbed her ax and spun around

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" Heather ran over to Astrid, who was struggling against a masked figure

"I'm just taking what's rightfully mine, what do you want?" He hissed

"My friend!" Heather charged at the masked man, only to have a needle plunged into her neck, her limp body hit the ground

"Heather!" Astrid shouted, but it was muffled due to the cloth in her mouth

"Now, let's go." The figure swung Astrid over his shoulder

We were in the middle of nowhere. All I saw was the ocean, left, right, front and back. No islands for miles. I was in trouble. He then proceeded to sit me with my back facing him. He ripped off my shirt so that my bare back was facing him. What he proceeded to do only makes me want to get out of here even more. He whipped my back about four to five times, I felt my blood trickle down my back. He laughed at my pain, but I knew that if I cried, I would be giving him the satisfaction of hurting me. He then slashed my arms and legs with a knife. Once he was done hurting me, he just threw me into my cell again.

"Hope you heal quickly, because tomorrow is a new day." He locked the door and went upstairs

"Oh, Hiccup. Please find me. I love you." I prayed before closing my eyes, wincing at every breath


"Maybe we should turn back Hiccup, I mean its been hours" Hope sighed

"Wait, wait, wait! Look, down there, its a fishing boat, let's go check it out bud." Hiccup and Toothless dove towards the desk of the ship

"Come on girl, let's go!"

"Hello?" Hiccup pulled out Inferno

"Hiccup, listen, do you hear that?" She froze

"Yeah, it sounds like, crying! Let's go!"

"What about the dragons, should we have them hide?"

"Just have them stay on deck, send warning shots, maybe the others could see them"

"Okay, lets head down"

They now both were wielding their swords. They went down as quietly as they could. Once they got down, it was pitch black, but they saw a faint light coming from the end of the hall. Hiccup approached the door while Hope checked the cells.


They proceeded to move Astrid as much as they could to wrap her up. Hope ended up bringing Toothless and Treasure downstairs since they needed a lot of bandages soaked in his saliva. Once they finished, Hiccup carefully picked Astrid up bridal style, mounted Toothless and they headed home. When they were Thor knows how close to home, they ran into the others

"Astrid! What happened to her?" Heather flew up next to Hiccup to see what happened to her

"She was beaten, I bandaged her as much as I could, but, we need to get her to Gothi, or she won't have much time left..." Hope whispered the last part

Hiccup had Toothless pick up the pace, but on the way, Astrid passed out. Let's hope that wasn't the last time she closed her eyes...


They made it with only minutes to spare. Hiccup and Hope rushed into Gothi's. Hope stayed behind to help, while Hiccup went to go tell their mom that they were back.

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