The Darkest Night/Heret

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Warning: May trigger some people, this chapter contains, self-harm and suicide

It was about 2 months since the death of Stoick the vast. Everyone was doing fine, Hiccup found a way to cope. He talked to the carving of his father when he was troubled. But Hope, she wasn't doing all too well. Yes, she knew what he was like, but, she couldn't think of anything besides that it was her fault that he died. She was in a state of depression. She used her dagger to make slash marks on her arms to relieve herself of the anger and doubt. But one day, she took it to far...

"So we'll have the meeting in a week, sound good?" Hiccup turned to his sister

"Sounds great. I have to go do something, I'll see you around Hiccup." Hope exited the room

"See you"

"Hello dear" Eret gave her a quick peck on the lips

"Hey, Eret," Hope responded after they pulled away

"You okay Hope, you sound a little off today?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just give me a minute."

"Alright, just stay safe, okay?"


Hope hopped on Treasure and flew to a sea stack

"Peace and quiet, just what I need." Hope pulled out her shining silver dagger

"It's a good thing that I wear such tight sleeves." She unclasped her armor, revealing her forest green tunic, then rolled up her right sleeve to her elbow

"Well girl, this is the last time. Here goes nothing."

Hope ran the glimmering silver blade across her slightly tanned pale skin, causing a red line to form. She sighed once she was done, then, grabbed a bandage from her saddlebag. She had done this several times a week, sometimes 5 times a day, depending on her mood. Treasure looked at her with a worried look, she cocked her head.

"It's okay girl, I'm fine, that was the last time." Hope patted her dragons head

She had been doing this ever since a week after he died. No one noticed that she did it

"I want you to know that I love you so much, girl. Okay. Watch over Hiccup, Astrid, Eret, mom, and the others for me okay." She hugged her dragon for the last time, before stepping to the edge of the sea stack

She looked over the edge to see sharp rocks at the bottom, waves crashing against them. The sun had set, so there was no more light in sight.

"Goodbye girl." Hope stepped off, out of Treasures reach

She started plummeting towards the rocks, she didn't even scream, she didn't flinch. She just let herself fall, Treasure went to dive after her but it was too late. Hope's body collided with the sharp rocks at the bottom. Her head the first thing to do so. Treasure saw her riders passed out body bobbing in the water, a red tint to the water around her. She flew down after her, grabbing her unconscious body and immediately flew home. To Hiccup and Eret.

"She said she had something to do, that's all," Hiccup responded

"That's what she told me, but, she would have at least told one of us what, right?" Eret was pacing back and forth

"She'll be-" Astrid was cut off by a roar from outside the great hall

"What in Thor's name was that?" Hiccup looked at the door

"That sounded like...Treasure!" Eret raced to the door

"Hope." Astrid followed immediately

They went outside and were greeted by Toothless, Stormfly and Skullcrusher crowding Treasure

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