They Are Real Part 1

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This is inspired by ladydragon2003's chapter '(^w^)' on their Hiccstrid/HTTYD gang one-shots book, go check it out


My Grandma always tells tall tales. But it's been the same one every time.

Our ancestors were Vikings who trained dragons. They brought peace with these creatures.

But it's always a sad ending.

The dragons had to crawl back into this waterfall at the edge of the world to hide away.

Leaving not a bone or tooth, a scale or spine for people to remember them by.

I want to believe it, but, unless I get cold hard evidence that I'm related to Vikings who trained dragons centuries ago, I won't ever believe it

So. I decided to take an Ancestry test.

"You don't have to do this, you know that, right?" My sister from another mister Savannah told me

"Well, if my grandma keeps on telling these stories saying that they're true, I want cold hard evidence that it's true. So, I have to." I told her, laptop open on my lap

"Well by all means then." Savannah rolled her eyes

I started typing away at my keyboard, putting in all my information when Savannah spoke up

"What if you're related to Hiccup and Astrid?" Savannah asked

"Please. They're characters from a book that were made into movies. They're made up." My screen finished loading

"Sure. I believe that they're real."

"Okay. Let's see, my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, du du du du du." I continued scrolling through my family tree

"Anything?" Sav looked over my shoulder

"Not yet." I kept scrolling, going back as far as I could

I reached about I don't know how many generations back until both Sav and I gasped

"Oh, my Thor." Savannah said wide-eyed

"This can't be serious!" I exclaimed

There, on the screen, were Stoick, Valka, Hiccup, Astrid, Zephyr, and Nuffink, where my family tree continued down from Zephyr

"I'm related to Hiccup and Astrid." I breathed "I'm related to Hiccup and Astrid!"

"I can't believe this! They were actual people! Not made up!"

"This is nuts!"

"But, come to think of it, it makes sense why your name is Zephyr Valka Haddock now."

"I just thought that Haddock was a coincidence, Zephyr means soft and gentle breeze, which relates to how there was a soft breeze the day I was born. But, wait, does that mean?-"

"That the waterfall down by the mountain is the-"

"Place where the dragons are?!" We said at the same time

"There's only one way to find out!" I started out the door

Savannah and I hopped onto our bikes and started off

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