Thanks Astrid

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It has been a week since Hiccup and Toothless defeated the Red Death. A week since dragons were accepted on Berk. A week since Hiccup lost his leg for the better of his home. Even though it's been a week, Hiccup still has to rewrap his leg so that his prosthetic didn't open the sutured wound that it sat on.

"I'm coming Toothless! Just give me a minute!" Hiccup shouted from the main room of his hut

"Hiccup? You in here?" Astrid pushed open the door "Woah! Toothless!" Toothless ran up to Astrid and licked her

"Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out! Yeah, Astrid, I'm here! Just gotta get this darn wrap to stay where I put in" Hiccup said under his breath

"You need some help?"

"No, I've got it, M'lady"

"Are you sure? Cause you seem to be struggling there, here" Astrid pulled up a stool "Let me help"

"Thanks, Astrid, I mean it"

"It's no problem Hiccup, the least I can do to make up for bullying you for years"

"And I've forgiven you for that seven times this week"

"But, I still feel bad, all the times that I shut you out-"


"And when I shoved you down and-"


"When Snotlout and the twins abused y-mmph!"

Hiccup finally leaned forward and kissed Astrid, shutting her up, he finally pulled away

"What was that for?" Astrid smiled

"For helping me out Astrid, for being there, and, for being my girlfriend. Thanks, Astrid, for everything" Hiccup smiled back

"Well, you're welcome you little dork! Now, are we going on that flight or what?"

"Let's go, M'lady"

And with that, Hiccup would always have a reason to thank Astrid, whatever it may be, whenever it was, he would always thank her

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