Happy Thanksgiving

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Here is a one-shot with everyone celebrating Thanksgiving
(Loosely based on my family Thanksgiving on Sunday)

"Astrid, you almost ready? Everyone is going to start getting here in a few minutes!" Hiccup called from their living room

"Yes I am, just set the turkey on the table, and the crescents and rolls are in a bowl as well, can you call the kids?" Astrid hung up her apron

"I sure can, Stoick! Helka!"

"Yeah, dad?" Stoick pulled off his headphones to sit around his neck

"Your cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandma are going to be here any minute, so can you come and sit in the living room?"

"Yeah, Helka come on!"

"Coming!" Helka opened her door


"I'll get it!" Helka slid down the railing of the stairs

Helka opened the door

"Happy Thanksgiving Helka" Hope, Eret, Faith and Dahlia were at the door

"Mom! Dad! Auntie Hope, Uncle Eret, Faith, and Dahlia are here!" Helka moved into the living room so they could enter their house

"Hey, Sis! Happy Thanksgiving" Hiccup hugged his sister

"Hey Hic"

"We brought the potatoes, sweet and regular. We heard that sweet is a family favorite so we have a bit more of those" Eret placed the glass dish on the table in the dining room

"We hanging out in your room Helka?" Dahlia hugged her

"Yeah! Faith, you in?" Helka turned to her cousin

"Nah, I'm hanging out with Stoick cause me, Stoick, and Tucker were all gonna play on our Nintendo Switches" Faith headed up the stairs to Stoick's room

"Well, let's head to my room" Helka started running up the stairs

"Do you have the dolls?" Dahlia followed tut sweet

"So, how have you guys been?" Astrid sat down, after handing Hiccup and Stoick each a bottle of beer, and Hope and she had wine

"We've been doing good, Faith is going to that gaming camp with Stoick and Tucker, and Dahlia is going to the science museum next Friday, but, other than that, things have been good, what about you guys?"

"Well, obviously Stoick has the gaming camp, but then Helka has a spelling bee on Monday, so, pretty casual" Hiccup shrugged

"A spelling bee? When did she get qualified for that?" Eret piped up

"Last week, they took a 50 question test on all the words and roots they had gone over, and Helka got one of the highest scores" Astrid took a sip

Just then the doorbell rang again

"I've got it, you guys keep talking" Eret put his drink down

"Hey, Eret! Happy Thanksgiving" Snotlout hugged him

"Happy Thanksgiving you guys"

Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Sage walked in

"Hey, Astrid? Where should I put this?" Ruffnut had a pan in her hands, and Sage had one in his

"Oh, here Sage, I'll take that" Astrid got up and grabbed the pan from him "Mabel isn't here yet, but, Stoick and Faith are in Stoick's room if you wanna go see what they're doing"

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