Phantom Pains?

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Hope had gone home a bit earlier than normal. She just, left Hiccup and Stoick II to do the saddles, she sent Eret though. Erika was with Astrid helping with the stables. And Valka was watching Helka and Faith for Hiccup & Astrid, Hope & Eret. So, she mounted Treasure (Lightfury version) and flew off to her and Eret's hut. She walked inside the best she could since she was having her phantom pains again. Phantom pain is pain that feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there. Hence the name Phantom pains.

"Hey Hope dear? You okay?" Eret knocked on their bedroom door

No answer

"Hope?" He opened the door to find his wife with her leg propped up the best she could, pain written all over her face "Phantom pains again?"

"Yeah-huh" Hope nodded "Just make it stop, please!"

"Well, we can first do this" Eret took off her prosthetic "Now, do you need any ice or something?" He sat down and set her leg on his lap

"Just tell me a story! Anything Eret! Please! I just need to think of something besides my leg!"

"Alrighty then, how about that one time..."

Today Heather, Dagur, and Dahlia were coming to visit. Now, this was the first time Heather & Fishlegs, and their son Tucker, and their youngest son Hadden, and Dagur and Mala and their son Throk were able to visit since Stoick and Faith's 13th birthdays, they are both 18 now. And this is the first time they would get to see Helka and Faith since they were born. You were super excited to see Dahlia and introduce her to our kids. So, when they finally landed on the island. You and Astrid were jumping for joy.

"They're here! Come on, guys! Let's go!" Snotlout yelled, his voice dripping with sarcasm

"Alright, let's get on with it before Snotlout passes out" Hiccup laughed

"Sounds good to me! Let's go Eret!" Hope started to the door

So, we all then walked outside, Hiccup & Astrid had Stoick and Helka, and we had Erika and Faith

"Heather!" Astrid ran over to her friend

"Dahlia!" Hope jogged over to her friend of only a few months

"Hey, Astrid! How are you?" Heather hugged her

"I'm doing okay, and you?" Astrid broke apart

"Doing okay, now, can I please see my nieces and nephew?"

"Of course, so, you remember Stoick"

"Yeah, but, how old is he now?"

"I'm 18, it's been 5 years, I missed you aunt Heather" Stoick hugged her

"5 years! Gods! Well, I missed you too, now where is your little sister?"

"Heather, this is Helka, Helka, this is your aunt, Heather" Hiccup stood next to

"Hi, Auntie Heather!" Helka jumped up and down before hugging her

"Oh, hi! So, this is the child that I saw at birth and never again till now?" Heather smiled

"That would be correct" Astrid giggled


"Dahlia, this is my daughter Erika, and my littlest daughter Faith" Hope pushed them forward a bit "Kids, this is my friend, Dahlia"

"Hi Dahlia, nice to meet you" Erika hugged her

"Nice to meet you too" Dahlia returned the kind gesture

"And I'm Faith!" Faith pipped up

"Well, it's nice to meet you too Faith"

"Can you please hurry up with the story?!" Hope bit her lip and said through clenched teeth

"Alright, I'm hurrying" Eret laughed

Once everyone was introduced, Heather and Fishlegs got to introduce their kids, since Fishlegs moved to Berserker island to help with Chiefing

"Alright, so, guys, this is Tucker, he's the same age as Stoick and Erika, and Hadden is the same age as Helka and Faith" Fishlegs patted both of his son's shoulders

"And this is our son Throk, same age as Tucker, Stoick and Erika" Mala placed both her hands on each of his shoulders

"Hi, guys!" Throk said in a whisper

"Well, looks like we all had started families of our own" Hiccup chuckled

"Yeah, guess so" Hope smiled

"Oh, and that reminds me, we have some good news!" Heather remembered

"What?" Astrid looked at her friend

"We can move back to Berk!" Fishlegs blurted

"Really?!" Eret stood shocked

"Yeah, because the Defenders of the Wing have a new leader, Dagur and Mala were able to come back over to Berserker island and take over, so, now we can move back" Heather answered

"That's amazing!" Astrid hugged her friend again

"I know right! But, right now we have a lot of catching up to do, so, lets head to the Great Hall, shall we?" Fishlegs gestured to the building embedded in the mountain

"And that's how we got here" Eret finished "Hope?" He looked down to see that she was fast asleep

Eret carefully stood back up, set her leg back down, then headed back out to help.

"Is she okay?" Hiccup looked at his brother-in-law concerned

"Just phantom pains again" Eret shrugged

"That bad?"

"Yeah, she's fell asleep after a while though"

"Well, I'm glad that you know how to calm her down during those, cause it feels like hell, and I'm speaking from experience" He gestured to his exact same prosthetic

"Yeah, I get that, I do"

"Okay, you better" He nudged him

"Like I said Hiccup, I do"

And that's what happens when Hope gets phantom pains.

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