Gone For To Long

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"I'll be back in a week, don't worry Astrid." Hiccup said hugging his beautiful wife

"I know, it's just I'm gonna miss you, we are gonna miss you." Astrid said taking his hand and placing it on her baby bump

Hiccup smiled "I'm gonna miss both of you."

"See you soon M'lady." Hiccup said hugging her once last time

"See you soon." Astrid said with a kiss

(Time skip to two and a half weeks later)

"Where is he Hope?" Astrid said

"His job is probably holding him back, he'll be fine Astrid, and besides, you can't get to worried, cause it's not good for the baby." Hope said cradiling her own daughter, Tiffany

"Yeah, your right, and talking about husband's, where is Eret, Hope?

"Oh, he's out with Fishlegs and Tuffnut, while Heather should be here in a few minutes with her daughter, and Snotlout and Ruffnut are on a date." Hope responded

(And yes I support Rufflout, deal with it)

"Wow, sure looks like you've been on top of everything lately, hu?" Astrid asked rubbing her stomach in small circles

"Yeah, it just kinda happened."

"I'm here guys!" Heather said from the front door

"Hi Heather!" Astrid said while getting up and hugging her best friend

"Auntie Astrid! Auntie Hope" Holly yelled

"Hi Holly" Astrid said to her niece

"Hi there Holly" Hope said while rocking Tiffany

"Hi Heather, and can you guys please keep it down Tiffany is sleeping." Hope asked

"Of course, could you do that Holly?" Heather asked her daughter

"Yes mommy." Holly said

"So, how have you and Fishlegs been doing Heather?" Hope asked

"We've been doing good, Holly here should be starting Kindergarten this year." Heather said ruffling Holly's blonde hair

"How have you guys been doing?" Heather asked

"I've been doing okay, I mean, Tiffany is still waking up in the middle of the night for food, but only in the middle of the night, so that allows us to have time to sleep." Hope said with a slight yawn

"What about you Astrid? How have you been?"

"I've been good, although throwing up every morning wasn't the funnest thing ever, but now it's just cravings and waiting for the baby to kick." Astrid said

"Well, that's sounds normal to me." Hope said

They all laughed at that, and then talked the rest of the night

(Time skip to one and a half weeks later, it's now one month since Hiccup left, and Astrid is now five months pregnant, it's also Astrids birthday)

"Hey Astrid, Happy Birthday!" Hope yelled from the front door

"Hi Hope, thank you. How are you?" Astrid asked from sitting with her laptop

"I'm good, how are you?"

"*Sigh* I've been better."

"Well, I brought you a chocolate bundt cake because I know they are your favorite."

"Aww, thank you so much! You know you didn't have to do this tho, right?"

"I know, but I also know that it's your birthday, and that you have been craving chocolate."

"Well, you are the best"

"I know"

"So, how is your Etsy shop for necklaces going?"

"It's going good, I have five orders that I need to get out, then I'll need to buy more beads and thread to make some more."

"Well, that means that more people are finding your work."

"Yeah, hey, have you heard anything from Hiccup, he was supposed to be back a month ago?"

"No, sadly, haven't heard anything." Hope shouted from the kitchen


"Did you invite anyone? Are Eret or Heather coming over?"

"No, so I wonder who it could be?" Hope said helping Astrid up


"Oh Thor, I hear Tiffany crying upstairs, I'll be right back." Hope said heading upstairs to her daughter

So then Astrid made her way to the door wondering who was on the other side, she opened it, and was taken aback by a certain one legged, auburn haired man

"Happy Birthday M'lady!" Hiccup said his arms open wide

"Hiccup!" Astrid said hugging him as tight as she could, starting to cry

"Oh Astrid, it's so good to be home. I had no intention of being gone for so long." Hiccup said starting to cry himself

"I don't care right now Hiccup, I missed you so much..."

"I missed both of you too..."

They kissed for what felt like eternity for them, they pulled away

"Well, tomorrow, we will be able to tell if it's a he or a she."

"Wait, you held off finding out the gender for me?"

"Yeah, I did. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I knew and couldn't tell you."

"Awww, your so sweet."

"Hey Astrid, are you okay?" Hope said holding Tiffany in her arms, while coming down the stairs

"Yeah, I'm fine Hope, why not come into the living room"

"Okay?" Hope said a little confused

"Hi Hope" Hiccup said waving to his sister

"Hiccup!" Hope said handing Tiffany to Astird, then hugging her brother

"Hey sis, I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Room for one more?" Eret aksed

"Hi sweety, how have you been?"

"I've been good, had to drop off some of the guys, got drunk, so that took a while."

"Well, I need to head off to bed, gonna join me Hiccup?" Astrid asked, handing Hope Tiffany, then taking Hiccups hand in hers

"Of course, see you tomorrow Hope?" Hiccup asked

"Sure thing, come on Eret, Tiffany needs to get laid down in her bed." Hope said

"Alright, be there in a second. See you tomorrow brother?" Eret asked Hiccup

"Yep, night."


"I missed you so much Hiccup, you have no idea."

"Same goes for me too."

"I love you...We love you." Astrid said taking Hiccups hand and placing it one her stomach, then feeling a kick

"Wait, did you feel that?"

"Yeah, that the first time the baby has kicked."


"Yeah, looks like the baby just missed their father."

"I love both of you even more now."

"And we love you even more too."

And with that, they kissed and headed off to bed

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