You Came Back...Part 2

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Hiccup stares ahead, frustrated, as Toothless glides over a bed of clouds, glowing in the low, Arctic sun. Treasure is gliding right next to him, with Hope laying down on the saddle. Hiccup screams in frustration, then slumps back onto the saddle. Toothless recoils, sensitive to Hiccup's upset.

"Don't worry, bud. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I promise." Hiccup says patting Toothless's head

"Ugh, I can believe what happened back there" Hope sighed

[The clouds start to tear from something and then a mysterious person appears to be flying in thin air.]

"AW, COME ON, DAD! REALLY?!" Hiccup yelled

Hope sits up and then they turn and realizes it's not their dad but a mysterious masked figure

"Okay. No sudden moves." Hiccup said to Toothless

"Easy Treasure, your alright" Hope said, patting her dragons head

The figure rises up, revealed to be riding upon a Stormcutter

"Hold on, hold on." Hiccup said, slightly freaking out

"What. The hell. Is that." Hope panicked

Hiccup and Hope get snatched by dragons and Toothless and Treasure fall

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled

"Treasure!" Hope yelled

Toothless and Treasure fall through ice and Hiccup and Hope get carried away, Toothless and Treasure watch and struggle to get out the water. As they splash helplessly a trio of Seashockers carry them away


Hiccup and Hope are carried into the Dragon's Sanctuary

"We have to head back for our dragon!" Hope tried to explain

Dragons surround Hiccup and Hope. They pull out their fire blades, showing their one of the dragons

Hiccup and Hope draws circles of gas and ignite it. They each walk towards a dragon with an extended arm. The warrior steps forward and they recoil

"Who are you? The Dragon Thief? Drago Bludvist? Do you even understand what I'm saying?" Hiccup asked

"Hiccup, I'm scared" Hope whispered to him, standing next to him, holding his arm

The warrior orders a dragon to bring Toothless and Treasure

"Toothless! It's okay. I'm glad to see you, too, bud. You really had me worried there." Hiccup said, with Toothless nuzzling him

"Treasure! Oh, I know, I know. Your okay, your okay. I'm glad to see you too, you worried me so much." Hope said, rubbing Treasures head

The warrior orders the dragons to light the place, approaches Toothless and puts him in a trance, followed by doing the same to treasure then examines Hiccup and Hope. They get nervous and turns their heads a little, revealing the scars on their chins, which the warrior recognizes.

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