You Came Back...Part 1

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This one shot is inspired by PassionWriterHJH one shot called Forever Love, go check out her books, they are amazing!!!

As every viking resident on Berk knows, Hiccup and Astrid have been together since they were 18, but friends from the beginning. Now, here we are, witnessing one if the biggest fights of their lives.

They just turned 20, so the events of the second movie haven't happened yet

"I wish you would stop worrying about me all the time!" Astrid fumed

"Well I'm sorry if I don't want you getting kidnaped like when we were kids!" Hiccup yelled back

"Well that still doesn't mean that you need to be over my shoulder every second of every day!"

"You know what, I should have just let you join the Berk guard, then we wouldn't have to see each other ever again once me and the others went to the edge!" Hiccup gasped, did he really just say that

"Fine! You don't wanna see me, then I'll leave!" Astrid ran home, got a few things, then mounted Stormfly and soon her figure became smaller and smaller

"Hiccup! What just happened? Where is Astrid?" Hope asked frantically, will Heather by her side

"I messed up, I really did..." Hiccup sighed

"What do you mean you messed up?" Heather asked, placing a hand on his shoulder

"We had probably one of the biggest fights of our relationship, she left, for good, and now I don't think I'll be able to find her..." Hiccup sat down and put his head in his hands

Hope gasped, putting her hands over her mouth, starting to tear and Heather starting to tear up as well

"Yeah, and worst of all next week is our anniversary...and I was going to propose to her..." Hiccup said pulling out a small silver band with a light blue line and a green one, intertwined in the center in the form of a heart

"Oh my gods..." Hope gasped "I'm so sorry Hiccup, we will find her" She said before hugging her brother

"Okay, well what are we waiting for, which direction was she headed?" Heather asked before calling for Windshear

"She was headed south, but before we go, Hope go tell mom where we are going and Heather go grab the others" Hiccup said, in a slight panic

"Okay, let's go search for her,like and bring her home" Hope said running with Heather next to her


"Ugh, why wouldn't he just stop worrying about me!" Astird complained

Astrid has been flying for about three hours, Stormfly was clearly getting tired, she screeched in agreement

"I know girl, he's so overprotective, hey, why don't we land on that island up ahead?"

Stormfly bobbed her head cheerfully, and started towards the island. Once they landed, they searched for some food. Astrid found some apples and other berries, while Stormfly found herself two fish from a stream that was on the island.

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