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People have one eye color of their own, and then one eye color of their soulmates. The color changes back to yours when you meet your soulmate.

"Hi, I'm Hiccup." Five-year-old Hiccup Haddock smiled at the blonde girl in front of him

"Hiccup? That's a funny name. I'm Astrid." Five-year-old Astrid Hofferson waved back

"Astrid is a pretty name." Hiccup flashed his toothy grin once again "You have blue eyes! I have green!"

"Gree eyes are so cool. They're the color of the grass."

"Blue is the sky."


"How's Astrid?" Hope clicked at her computer

"I- I don't know." Hiccup was leafing through notes

Hope closed her computer "Really? I thought you both hung out all the time?"

"Not really anymore." Hiccup sighed "We're kinda drifting apart."

"Oh no! What happened?"

"Nothing really happened, we just haven't been hanging out as much. Astrid is on almost every sports team our school offers, she always has practice, we have totally flipped schedules, I'm in tech and crew for the musical, so, we just haven't had much time to hang out."

"I guess that can happen when you have that stuff. Schedules and whatnot." Hope shrugged

"Are you still going to see her? Cause I don't want you to stop because I'm not seeing her as much."

"What? No, I'll text her often and we face time once every few months." Hope looked at the slight sorrow that Hiccup's eyes radiated "I'm sorry Hiccup."

Hope placed a hand onto Hiccup's "Thanks Hope. I mean, we'll still be friends, right?"

But what happens when you were childhood friends but grew apart till high school.

"How am I going to be able to find out who she is?!" Hiccup shouted to Hope in the other room

"Who said it was a she Hic?" Hope teased

Hiccup turned to face Hope, a cocked eyebrow "You wanna start this Hope?"

"Look, I don't know how Hiccup." Hope was in the bathroom getting herself ready "And maybe later." Hope winked

"It's going to be impossible! A lot of people have blue eyes!" Hiccup's eyes have been green all of his life

"Only eight to ten percent of people have blue eyes. Green is only two percent."

"Which one is the most then?" Hiccup paused

"Brown." Hope smiled at the one iris of hers that was amber "You have it easier than I do. My other eye is amber."

"How much is amber?"

"Five percent."

"Wow." Hiccup walked in to see Hope finishing her hair "I guess that I should start helping you, huh?"

"I'd rather life run its course." Hope put the final pin in her hair "You ready?"

"Sure am. Are you miss 'I'll be a minute'?"

"Shut up." Hope rolled her eyes as she walked out to grab her coat "Besides, miss Astrid Hofferson has blue eyes and we were all friends as kids."

"Now you shut it."

"I'm just saying!"

Hiccup, Hope, Stoick and Valka were invited to a Hofferson wedding, the Haddock's and Hofferson's being close families

"So. Stick together? Sound like a good plan?" The two auburn-haired teens looked across the sea of blondes and the occasional redheads of the Hofferson family, any other hair colors being friends

"Yeah. Stick together. Good plan." Hiccup was in a short-sleeved patterned forest green button-up tucked into black ripped jeans with a matching belt, worn black converse as well, hair unkempt and shaggy as he liked

"I'll go see what drinks I can snag us, try and not be too awkward." Hope was in a light yellow dress with faint baby blue and lavender flowers spotting it, a jean jacket with a black widow symbol painted on the bulging breast pocket due to all the pins that were taken off for the occasion over the top, auburn red hair pulled up into a bun, loose strands fell and framed her face, a pair of gold strapped sandals. Hope despised wearing make-up, so, she only had tinted lip gloss

Hiccup walked around the reception, it was an outdoor wedding, so, there was a decent amount of space past the initial venue. As he looked around for a place to sit, there she stood.

Astrid was in a blue noodle strap tank top, black bra straps peaking through, paired with a pleated black skirt with white underlining and a small bow on the side of the waistband, covering the clasp of the zipper, it draped and flowed to her knees, slightly mud-caked black checkered vans, white socks sticking out of the top only slightly. Her hair was braided and sat on her left shoulder, and a black choker around her neck. She was barely wearing any make-up.

Astrid was talking with a raven-haired girl. Heather Berzerker was in a silver half sleeve see-through top, a matching grey strapless bra seen underneath. She had a long black skirt with a sash hanging around it, a pair of matching quarter inch heels. Her hair was pulled half up, fishtail braided, half down with sections on both of her shoulders. She had a small silver necklace hanging around her neck. She had subtle make-up.

Heather held a champagne glass of sparkling grape juice in her hand "So, any luck with finding who your soulmate is?" You could see the slight pain of wearing heels in her face

Astrid took a sip of her glass, containing the same substance "No. I have no clue considering that I've had double blue eyes all my life. It's tough for you cause you've either already met yours- or haven't- cause both of your eyes are green."

"And I'm okay with that." Heather shrugged, something catching her eye

"What is it?" Astrid turned to what Heather was looking at

Forest green met ocean blue in a moment of a lightbulb going off

Astrid turned back around to hid her oncoming "No. No way."

"Really?" Heather smiled, taking Astrid's glass and shoving her toward the Haddock boy

Good thing Hiccup has cat-like reflexes, otherwise, Astrid's face would've met the dirt

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