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When you and your soulmate touch, you see color. But when your alone, it's black and white as normal


"You've at least seen colors Astrid. I've seen black and white all my life." Hope flopped onto the bed again

"You'll see color soon Hope. I can't see color right now, only when I touch them." Astrid patted Hope's leg in comfort

"What was it like?" Hope flipped over "Seeing color?"

"I don't remember much." Astrid laid back as well "There were blues and greens and just so many little spots of color."

"What color is your hair?"

"I never saw it, but, it's white and yours is black, so, I have a lighter color."

"When am I ever going to see color!" Hope groaned

"Hey, you'll see it soon," Astrid reassured

Hope sat up "I'll believe that when I find out what color my eyes are." She pulled her phone out "I've gotta head out, see you later Astrid."

"Bye Hope!" Astrid called after as Hope slid down the rail

Hope made her way back to the Haddock household after a study session with Astrid

"Hiccup! I'm back!" Hope pocketed her keys

"Up here Hope!" Hiccup's voice was drowned out by an incoming dog

Treasure bolted toward her owner "Oh my gosh. I know." Hope kneeled down, getting licked in the face "Gone for so long. Gone for so long." She turned her head to dodge the licks as much as she could

"How was Astrid's?" Hiccup walked down the stairs

"It was fun." Hope pushed Treasure off of her "So, how is the search for the soulmate going?"

Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck "Haven't really been looking."

"What?! Hiccup come on!" Hope wined "You had a spark, you need to find it again."

"How would I do that? For all I know, they moved away to the other side of the world."

"Hiccup don't be so- well- like that!" Hope gestured to her brother "We're going to the school party tomorrow."

"No I'm not." Hiccup looked over at a sleeping Toothless

"Yea. You are." Hope nodded, removing her skates

"No I'm not." Hiccup reaffirmed

"Yes, you are Hiccup, and do you know why?"

"Because you're forcing me?"

"Because I want you to meet your soulmate. Everyone at school is going to be there, this is a good place to start."

"With everyone there, its a terrible start."

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Hope made her way up the steps "Just think about it."


"Okay, so, a recap of the plan?" Hope was on the phone with Heather

"You, me, Astrid and Hiccup all go to the party. We make an excuse to go back over to where you and Hiccup would be standing. You text Hiccup before we do so. Pushing through the crowd, Hiccup and Astrid bump into each other." Heather explained the idea

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