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"Woah!" Hiccup reached out and caught Astrid before she face-planted "You okay?"

Astrid steadied herself, taking a moment to glare back at Heather "Yeah. I'm fine, thanks."

Hiccup took a moment to study the girl in front of him "Astrid?"

Astrid turned to her name "Hiccup?"

"Gods its been a while huh?" Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck "How have you been?"

"I've been alright. Our soccer team made nationals, I'll be out of town for that next week."

"That's great!" Hiccup cheered "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks." Astrid smiled "What have you been up too lately?"

Hiccup shrugged "Nothing too exciting. Been working on some projects for school and fixing some stuff that I find around."

"Sounds fun. What are some of the things that you've been tampering with?"

"Like- computers. Hope's mountain bike needed some repairs. Anything that I can get my hands on really."

"Two blue eyes. Met your soulmate?"

"What?" Astrid seemed taken aback "I don't know. They've been blue as long as I can remember. Either they have my same shade or I've met them already. What about you? Two green eyes."

"I'm the same. Don't know if I've met them. I'm alright with it though. Hope has an amber eye so she hasn't found them yet."

"Oh wow! Amber is a pretty color." Astrid complimented "I hope she finds hers soon."

"I do too." Hiccup nodded "She keeps wanting to help me and funny enough, she thinks that you're my soulmate. She hasn't stopped nagging me about it. Says its because we were childhood friends, that's why our eyes have been the same for so long. I keep telling her that I wanna help her instead but she keeps denying it."

"She thinks it's me?" Astrid blushed a little "I mean, it's pretty damning evidence she's using to support that. But, I met a lot of kids that I don't know where they went when I was younger."

"I only met a few. You knew me, I was quiet."

"No kidding." Astrid laughed "Took four tries to get you to talk at school."

"Hey!" Hiccup offended "I opened up!"

"After three breakdowns." Astrid rolled her eyes

"You know what Hofferson?" Hiccup sassed

"Its a coincidence, Heather thinks my soulmate is you."

"Huh. That's odd." Hiccup turned to the drink bar, seeing Hope and Heather walking away and to a small table "Maybe they've talked about it?"

"Perhaps." Astrid shrugged

"I just thought that since you and Hope didn't talk all that much, neither would Hope and Astrid."

"I got really busy." Astrid apologized "I should apologize to Hope for not answering whenever she messaged me."

"You could always do that now."

"I feel like I should. I feel bad."

"She felt bad for us when we fell out. She's such a sympathetic person like that."

"Don't you mean empathetic?"

"I can't ever remember the difference."

"You got straight A's all year round and you can't remember that?"

Hiccstrid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now