What Happened?

692 14 1

Set during RTTE

It was a peaceful day, and everyone was minding their own business. Today was a special day... and Hiccup and to do something

"Hey Astrid, I gotta pick up some stuff from Johann, watch the edge for me?" Hiccup asked, looking over his shoulder atop of Toothless

"Now? But Hiccup it's--" Astrid started

"Bye Astrid" Hiccup took off "Think she'll kill me?"

Toothless made a 'Groo' noise in response

"--Our anniversary" She finished with a sigh


"Okay, let's land now bud" Hiccup patted Toothless's head

Toothless dove down onto the deck of the ship

"Where is he? Isn't he always on deck?" Hiccup looked around

"That's really odd. Stay here bud, I'm going down" He pulled out Inferno, and started down the stairs to look for Johann

"Hello? Johann? You down here?" He used Inferno as a light in front of him

"Wrong ship boy." A mysterious voice said from the shadows

"Who's there?"

No response, but, he did get a punch to the face

"Arg! What was that for?!" Hiccup put one of his hands to his face, his forehead was bleeding

The figure continued to throw punches to Hiccup after getting Inferno away from him. He barely got out alive. Toothless immediately ran over to him.

"I'm--I'm okay bud," Hiccup said in between breaths "Let's go find Johann" He mounted Toothless the best he could, and Toothless took off

Back at the Edge

"Where is he?" Astrid was looking off into the distance, waiting for a certain person to come back

"I'm sure he's fine Astrid, I mean, he has Toothless! Nothing can get between them." Fishlegs walked up behind her

"I don't know. This is different. Something is definitely wrong."

"Let's give him another half hour, then we go search for him, sound good?" Hope walked up and set her hand on Astrid's shoulder

"Alright, only a half hour. Then we search." Astrid looked at them both after turning around

"Okay. See you soon" Fishlegs walked off after patting Astrid's shoulder for reassurance

Back with Hiccup & Toothless

"Master Hiccup!" Johann saw him dismount Toothless "What in Thor's hammer happened to you?"

"It's a long story, Johann. Do you have what I asked for?"

"Of course, here you are, the gift for Master Astrid"

"Thank you, Johann, talk to you soon"

"Talk to you soon Master Hiccup"

So Hiccup and Toothless flew off, Hiccup was slowly falling unconscious because of all the injuries he has, he's been bleeding out

Back at the edge

"Stupid--no good--one-legged--" Astrid threw her ax in frustration

"Astrid calm down, please" Hope tried by saying in a soft voice

Hiccup stumbled in and slammed his hand against the wall to prop himself up

"HICCUP!!" Astrid looked over her shoulder to see what made that noise, and then a wave of panic overtook her

"Oh, gods! What happened to you?!" Hope's hands flew to her mouth

"A...Astrid..." Hiccup was able to make out who was standing in front of him through the blood dripping down his head

Hiccup lost his balance and fell over due to the injury he has on his abdomen. Astrid ran over to him and helped him up. They got Hiccup to a bed and started to bandage him up.

"Done with his arm and abdomen" Hope finished wrapping a bandage and walked into the other room

"What was so important that you had to get today?" Astrid fumed

"Sorry" Hiccup responded "Your gift...? Sorry I ran off like that to get it."

Hiccup opened his fisted hand to reveal a small pouch

"Happy anniversary"

Astrid looked at the satin pouch tied with string. She was awestruck, she thought that he forgot. She placed her left hand on his cheek and kissed the opposing one.

"Hiccup, you know you didn't have to do this I didn't eve--" Astrid started

"Open it" Hiccup held it up for her to take

Astrid grabbed the small pouch, she untied the string and the fabric fell over her hand. Inside was a bracelet, with beads of sky blue opal, and yellow topaz. It was a bracelet that resembled Stormfly.

"Oh Hiccup! Where did you get this?! These beads are impossible to track down!" Astrid had tears starting to form in her eyes

"Well, Johann knew some other traders who were able to track down the beads. It's adjustable, and I made the bracelet itself" Hiccup explained

"I love you Hiccup, you know that right?"

"I do M'lady, I love you too Astrid"

And that was an anniversary they would never forget

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