You Said There Would Always Be A...

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(The gifs linked above inspired this)

Hiccup and Astrid were out exploring while Hope and Valka run the village.

"Well, M'lady, what do you say we call this one?" Hiccup had his map all laid out on the ground of a small sea stack island type of place (kinda like itchy armpit)

Hiccup handed the worn out charcoal pencil that he carried everywhere to the blonde shield maiden next to him

"Well, those trees over there kinda look like a heart" Astrid pointed off into the horizon "So, why not Harmony Island?" She turned to him

"Whatever you say, Astrid, you found this place, so, you get to name it"

"Alright, Harmony Island it is" Astrid started writing down the name under the small sketch of the view as well as the island itself

"Hey, Astrid?"

She hummed in response

"Remember when we were on Itchy Armpit?" Hiccup looked over at Toothless and Stormfly playing behind them, then back to the horizon

"Yeah, why?" Astrid asked puzzled

"Remember how I said "I'm not like you. You know exactly who you are. You always have. But... I'm still looking. I know that I'm not my father... and I never met my mother.... so, what does that make me?" When we were talking about how dad wanted me to be Chief?"

"Of course I remember, and then I said, "What you're searching for... isn't out there Hiccup." Astrid put her hand to Hiccup's chest "It's in here. Maybe you just don't see it yet."

Astrid kissed Hiccup on the cheek

"You missed" Hiccup whispered before kissing her, on the lips this time

"Your such a dork!" Astrid giggled before rolling her eyes

"Yeah, but, I'm your dork."

"And that will never change"

"Now, as I was saying after you told me that, I said "Maybe. But, y'know... there is something out there." Hiccup turned to the horizon

"And then I replied with a sigh " Hiccup..." And then you-" Astrid got cut off with Hiccup grabbing her chin and moving her head so it was facing the same way as his

"Looks like we just had deja vu. Let's go" Hiccup folded up his map, stood up, and mounted Toothless

"Hiccup don't! Remember what happened last time we did this?! Your father died!" Astrid stood up and grabbed his arm

"Yes. I do. But, maybe this time. We can prevent something like almost last year, from happening." Hiccup said in a calm voice and stopped moving

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Let's go, M'lady"

Soon, they were off flying to where they saw a small bit of smoke. When they got close enough, they discovered it was a fire, surrounded by men and tents. A campsite.

"Stay close," Hiccup said to Astrid

They flew into the neighboring forest, the behind some bushes

"Hiccup, are you sure about this?" Astrid had her ax in hand

"Yes. I am, because, look." Hiccup pointed at some cages that looked awful familiar to them

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