A Tiresome Night

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(Based on photo above)

(Takes place after season six of RTTE, they look like what they do in HTTYD 2)

It was at the end of a long day for the new couple of Berk. Hiccup was busy at the forge, working on the saddles, followed by attending a meeting with the other Cheif's. Of course that means that they got to see Dagur, Mala and Heather after a few months. And while Hiccup was at the forge, Astrid was working at the academy, making sure the A team was still sharp on training, which, Thor knows how long that took. And of course she was practicing her Axe throwing in the forest with Heather. After Heather had to go back to Berserker island, with Dagur and Mala, she made sure all the dragons that they were trying to befriend, were safe and sound in the academy. By that time it was dark out and both of them were about to collapse, and so to finally relax, they each headed to their house. (Let's say they live together)

"Seems like someone is tired, huh?" Astrid asked walking up behind him, then taking off her shoulder pads and hoodie

"*Sigh* Yeah, today was long. I had to work on all the saddles when I had time, then there was the meeting with the other Cheif's. Followed by dealing with the twins blowing up stuff. What about you?"

"Had to work with Snotlout, the twins and the A team. Followed by practice in this weather isn't always the best. Then I had to wrangle the dragons into their pens." Astrid said taking a seat by Hiccup

"Well, I guess today was rough on the both of us." Hiccup said, putting his arm around Astrids waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Yeah *Yawn* well I know that I'm going to bed, are you going to bed to Hiccup?"

No response

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked, she then saw that he was asleep, with his head on her shoulder

"Aww, the Cheif is asleep." Astrid said, after kissing his head, the laying her head on his "Goodnight Hiccup."

And with that they were out for the night

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