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Hope wasn't feeling like herself, and here's why


It's Shell Shocked part 2, only Hope was the one with Inferno to her neck, instead of Astrid with her ax, here's the conversation they had before finding Hiccup and Astrid. Viggo had gotten Hope's arms around her back, on top of Treasure, she didn't know how, but he did. And he broke her. All she believed in. He broke her Confidence.


"Oh, Hope, the relationship between siblings can be so complicated, am I right? While I have been in your shoes, I can certainly now empathize with your situation." Viggo readjusted his grip on Hope

"Really, Viggo? I seriously doubt that." She rolled her eyes

"Absolutely. To be the sister of the man who will be your future Chief? I don't know how I would balance such a precarious family situation. It can certainly complicate things, being in such a situation that it blurs the lines between family and Duty. It must weigh heavy on the mind, knowing that you'll never be the second priority in his life. Certainly, you must fall somewhere close behind his girlfriend, his dragons and his tribe, at the very least?"

"Well, Viggo, I'll have you know that he does care, a lot, in fact about me!" She snapped back

Hiccup and Astrid came into view

"Hiccup, the baby has slowed the flow of lava. The volcano is finally stable." Fishlegs gestured to the baby eruptodon he was holding

"Get the others. We need to make sure the island is out of danger. We'll be okay, bud. This nightmare looks like it's finally over." Hiccup sighed

"Hiccup, look!" Astrid dismounted Stormfly, ax in hand, pointing behind me

"Are you sure about that, Hiccup?" Viggo appeared with Hope, her dragon blade near her own throat

"Viggo. Let me guess. You want the Dragon Eye in exchange for Hope." Hiccup's voice was serious

"Though it sounds so much colder when you say it like that. But, yes. While I do appreciate your assistance in putting brother my in his rightful place, I must insist that you return it to where it belongs. With me." He brought her dragon blade closer to her neck

"Hiccup, don't even think about it." Hope tried to persuade him

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Viggo." Astrid held up her ax

"Oh my, well, I guess I have to then." He ran the flaming blade against her pale freckled neck, bright red blood dripping down

"No!" Astrid started tearing up

"Viggo, what have you done?!" Hiccup panicked

"Well, come, now. It's time for you to choose Hiccup Haddock. Your sister, who, might I add only has 2 hours left or that?"

"Wow, Viggo. Well, I guess when you put it that way, no, I'm not."

"No. No! Hiccup!"

"Viggo... It didn't have to end this way."

"Hope!" Astrid ran over and picked her up

"We need to get her to Gothi. Quick." Hiccup tore a bit of his shirt and wrapped it around Hope's neck to stall the bleeding

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