Scars...Part 1

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It was a calm day. Hiccup, Astrid, Hope, Eret, and Valka were in the Great hall, talking about the Chief meeting that was going to happen in three days

"So how many have replied?" Hiccup hand both hands pressed down on the table, with a map of all the islands with fellow Chief's that Berk had treaties with lived

"Um, about... Well, we have" Hope readjusted the way she was sitting, to make herself comfortable again, due to her having Erika on her chest as well, and started reading the list "Harold, Chief of the Whispering Willows, Agnar, Chief of the Swaying Soldiers, Sage, Chief of the Flaming Arrows, Hella, Chieftess of the Wounded Warriors, Eerika, Chieftess of the Outcasts (Yes Outcasts, one of Alvin's good friends had a daughter, and since Alvin passed, he told his friends daughter, Eerika, that she would be the Chieftess after him, they made up) and Dagur, Chief of the Berserker tribe. So that makes--"

"Six, isn't that all of them?" Astrid asked, readjusting Stoick in the wraps around her body that were holding him to her chest

"Yes, it is. So, looks like we are going to have a full Hall soon, sound like a plan to everyone?" Hiccup crossed off the last name

"Sounds like a wonderful plan son, and with that, we should be heading to get some much-needed rest, which is what we won't be getting the next few days" Valka placed her hand on his shoulder before heading for the door

"Ha. Well, I guess so" Eret scratched near the front of his neck, where his torch mark was (shown above)

"Are you okay Eret?" Hope gasped under her breath, 'Since when was that there?' She thought before he helped her up, since being 8 months pregnant prevented that ability

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just, I don't have the best history with the Outcasts"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I was a kid, they, um, well you know how my family got shipwrecked?"


"Well, I winded up getting thrown into torture by Alvin and his men..." His voice trailed off

"Oh, Eret" Hope hugged her husband of a year now as best she could "I'm so sorry. I didn't know"

"It's alright" He returned the gesture immediately "I never really like to talk about it anyways"

"Well, now I have to ask you" She grabbed his hand, and placing her other hand on her baby bump, as they walked to the door "How did you get that weird scorch mark near your neck?"

"Oh, this" He pulled his shirt down enough for her to see the whole thing "Drago stamped me about two years ago"

"Why would he do that?"

"Like I told your brother, he didn't take kindly to excuses for, not having dragons on time"

"Oh, well, you know? I do have something that could remove it if you want. You know, I thought it would help you forget about the past" She tried pushing the door to their hut open before Eret pushed it open for her

"You do now? I would like that, this thing always made me think of the bad decisions in my life anyway"

"Alright then, let me grab what I'll need" Hope walked into another room

"Will you need help?" Eret called to her

"No, I've got it" she walked back into the main room

She proceeded to open a kit like object and got out what she needed

"It might sting a little, fair warning" Hope poured a small bit of a liquid on a cloth she had

"Please, won't sting as much as the aftermath of getting this thing in the first place"

"Okay, remove your fur shirt please"

Eret proceeded to remove his tan fur shirt, revealing a red shirt, and underneath, a tan one

"Okay, here goes nothing" Hope dabbed the liquid on the stamp of a dragon trapper, she soon pressed the liquid soaked cloth on the entire thing and wrapped a bandage around it to keep it in place

"How long will it have to stay like that?" Eret pulled his fur shirt back on

"Only two days doesn't need much time, it's not as big as other ones I've fixed" Hope shrugged

"Well, thank you very much, my dear" He kissed the top of her head

"You're welcome" She smiled "Now, let's do what my mother recommended and get some sleep, how about?"

"Sounds like a good idea, now, up we go" Eret grabbed Hope's hands and helped her up for the fifth time today

And with that, his scar. His memory. His regret. Would be no more.

Wanna part 2 with the meeting with all the Chiefs?

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