A Rainy Day

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This one-shot is dedicated to PersiaLionheart. She gave me the idea of a modern AU, and here it is! Check her out! And now, on with the story!

Today Hiccup and Astrid were out on a date one lazy fall, Sunday afternoon. They decided to go to a small coffee shop off of the corner of Berserker street. They made sure that they went on Heather’s day off since she worked there, they didn’t want her to see them there.

“Finally, some alone time” Hiccup sighed sitting in the booth before setting down their coffee and donuts

“No distractions, no interruptions” Astrid took a sip of her pumpkin spice latte

“We haven’t had one of these in a while, because of jobs and whatnot”

“True, so, how has teaching been going?”

“Well, I handed out the tests, and I’d have to say, all of my students scored 100%, and I was shocked, especially with Dave-”

“Wait, you mean Dave Melaney! As in the student who had all F’s last trimester?!” Astrid swallowed quick enough to speak

“Yeah, he and I have stayed after class so I could get him to understand it better so he didn’t have to be demoted to the non-advanced algebra class. And, when I got to his, I called his parents to tell them the good news, and they were very proud of him. And the next day, he walked in with his head held high”

“Wow, and when did last trimester end?”

“Last week”

“Really?! Wow, that kid definitely has potential, I mean, for a kid to go from an F to an A+, it’s incredible!”

“And that’s why I met with him, so, how has training been going?”

“Tiring, but, we’re making progress” Astrid took a bite of her strawberry filled donut

“Well, that’s good for Ashley, she sounded like she needed it. You know, with what she’s gone through” Hiccup took another bite of his powdered donut

“Yeah, I’m glad that I met her, I mean, it’s all because of Etsy, so, I have to thank my business I guess”

“How is that going anyways?”

“I have five Night Fury orders, three Deadly Nadders, Stormcutters, and Razorwhips, two Gronkles, Nightmares, and Zipplebacks and one Singetail”

“Oh wow, seems that your themed bracelet shop is increasing popularity as we speak"

"Which" Astrid took another sip of her drink "I appreciate, cause when people get them, they're always so happy with the end result"

"Well, why not we head back to my place for a movie, your pick"

"I would love that"

"Alright, let's go"

And so Hiccup and Astrid grabbed their drinks and headed out the door, the small bell sounding as they exited. They got about two blocks away from Hiccup's before it started raining

"Oh geez, did you bring an umbrella?" Astrid looked over at Hiccup who was taking off his jacket

"No, but, I do have this" Hiccup held his jacket above him and Astrid

"Aww, look at you, such a gentlemen"

"Really Astrid, I just didn't want you to get wet"

"Well thank you Hiccup"

"Its no problem"

"I was thinking- oh! Hold on" Astrid's phone had buzzed

"Who is it?"


'Hey' That's what the texts look like

Heather 'Hey Astrid, I need to ask you something'

Astrid 'What is it? Is everything okay?'

Heather 'Oh everything is fine, its just I'll need help on this cake for my nephew'

Astrid 'What kinda cake was he thinking?'

Heather 'A dragon one, so, I wanted to know if you would be able to come over to my place tomorrow let's say 5:00?'

Astrid 'Sure, I'll see you then'

Heather 'Thank you so much, see you tomorrow'

Astrid 'See you'

"What were you guys talking about?" Hiccup peered over Astrid's shoulder to look at her phone

"She needs me to help decorate a cake for her nephew, he wanted dragons, and she knows I can draw dragons very well, so, she wanted to know if I could come over tomorrow at 5:00, and I said yes" Astrid put her phone away

"Well" Hiccup opened the door to the apartment building he lived in "I hope that you two have fun tomorrow"

"I hope so too"

"Alright, so, what movie were you thinking of?" Hiccup opened his apartment door

"Maybe Starwars? I haven't seen it in a while"

"Well I have The Force Awakens, have you see that one?"

"That's the one that came out recently right?"

"Yeah, so, I'll make the popcorn, and the DVD is right underneath the DVD player if you wanna grab it and put it in"

"Got it"

Hiccup then walked into his living room to see Astrid sitting on the couch, with the DVD starting up. They both settled down and soon fell asleep in each other arms

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