They're Back....Part 2

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Hiccup, Astrid, Stoick, Toothless and the baby night fury, are going through the village as quietly as they can. Everyone was in the Great Hall for dinner. Hiccup, Astrid and Stoick walked in like they were just late.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Hope looked at her brother

"Yeah, we were just late. I have to make a quick announcement so just give me a second." Hiccup walked up to the front

"Wait, Astrid are you-?" Heather had a shocked look

"No, Heather, I'm not pregnant. It's something else." Astrid handed Hope Stoick

"Here let me take Faith, there we go! Hows my little princess?" Eret grabbed Faith from Hope so she could hold Stoick

"Here we go, now, hows my little nephew?" Hope sat Stoick on her knee  "Oh, hey there don't touch that, that's my necklace. It's the only thing that I have left of my dragon."

"We all have necklaces, even the guys have them" Heather palmed hers

"And we never take them off, right?" Astrid looked at one another

"Right." Everyone nodded

"Excuse me!" Hiccup yelled to hush everyone down "If everyone could step outside please, there is a surprise waiting for each of you! Thank you!" He stepped down over to his friends

"What is the surprise H?!" The twins asked in unison, walking behind him

"You'll see guys," Hiccup said over his shoulder

Hiccup and Hope looked at one another, nodded then pushed the big Hall doors open. They were greeted by the night sky, freckled with stars. And certain creatures in front awaiting some people

"Stormfly! Over here, girl!" Astrid waved for her before Stormfly bowed her head down and nuzzled her "Oh I missed you so much." She started crying

"Windshear!" Heather ran over to her dragon, tears forming in her eyes "It's okay girl, I'm okay"

"Hookfang! Don't you ever leave me again!" Snotlout hugged his beloved dragon

"Meatlug! Oh, who's my little princess!" Fishlegs ran over to where his dragon was standing

"Barf!" Ruffnut cheered

"Belch!" Tuffnut cheered as well

Everyone else got reunited with their dragons...except for one...

"Treasure?!" Hope cupped her hands around her mouth "Treasure?!" She shouted distressed

"Where is she?" Hiccup walked over to his sister, with Toothless, Stoick, and the baby night fury

"I don't know where she is."

"We'll find her."

"Winshear! Where are you going?" Heather tried to catch up to her now in flight dragon "Windshear!"

"Wait! Treasure is a Razorwhip too. She might be going to find her! Let's go after her!" Hope realized

Soon Hope, Hiccup, and Heather were all chasing after Winshear. She soon lead them to the cove.

"What is this place?" Heather looked around, starstruck

"This is where Hiccup and Astrid technically had their first kiss. It was on the cheek, but, still. Their first actual kiss was in front of our mom's hut. (Hiccup moved out and soon had a hut with Astrid once they were married. Hope did the same when she got married. They still visit Valka every other day.)" Hope explained while they walked through the entrance

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