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It was an early, sunny, Sunday morning. A shaggy auburn-haired boy, his identical sister, father, and mother were carrying boxes into a house about 30 feet away from a blonde girl, who was grooming her horse. She decided to head on over and say 'Hi'

"Hey Hope, mom wants you to bring these boxes to the kitchen" the shaggy-auburn haired boy held out a box for his sister to take

"Alright, I'll take that, hurry up unpacking tho, you know how fast mom wants us to get comfy" Hope responded

"I know, I'll be inside in a sec"

"Hey, there! You must be the Haddocks'! I heard that you would be moving here, I'm Astrid Hofferson, I and my parents live down in that house" Astrid put her hand out for him to shake

"Hi, Astrid, I'm Hiccup, nice to meet you!" Hiccup shook her hand

"So, you guys doing a permanent move?"

"Yeah, we used to live in California, and my parents wanted a change of pace. So, they decided that Berk would be a good place."

"Well, I hope that you'll enjoy it here, got any siblings?"

"I hope so too, and yes, I have an identical twin sister, as well as our parents, so, we're kinda a small family. By the way, is that a horse over there, by your house?"

"Oh nice a sister, ill have to meet here, don't have many friends my age. And yeah, that's my horse, Stormfly, she's a white pimento horse, I've had her since I was 10, so, she and I are tight"

"Oh wow, looks like you guys are pretty tight, and I could go grab my sister if you want?"

"That would be nice"

"Alright I'll go grab her"

So Hiccup ran inside their new country home to grab his sister from upstairs

"So, Astrid, this is my sister Hope, Hope, this is Astrid, she lives next door" Hiccup introduced them

"Hi Astrid, it's nice to meet you" Hope held her hand out

"Nice to meet you too, want some help?" Astrid shook it

"Uh, yeah, that would be great" Hiccup picked up a box and handed it to Astrid, before grabbing one for himself, and Hope picking one up as well

They soon all headed inside to put the boxes in the correct place, they were then greeted by Hiccup and Hope's parents

"Why hello dear, who might you be?" Valka was putting some pots and pans in cabinets

"Uh, mom, this is Astrid Hofferson, she and her family live next door" Hiccup set the box down and pointed to her

"Well it's nice to meet you, Astrid"

"Nice to meet you too, where do you want this box?"

"Um, that one is marked... Mom & Dad, so that would be the room upstairs to your right" Hope looked at the side of the box

"Alright, I'll take this right up"

"So, she seems like a nice young lass Hiccup" Stoick walked in from a day in town

"Dad!" Hiccup wined

Hope stifled a laugh

"That's the last box, need any more help?" Astrid walked down the stairs

She saw Hope doubled over, and heard Valka stifling a laugh

"What did I miss?" Astrid looked around confused

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