Remember This?

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Hiccup just got back from running errands to find Astrid sitting next to the window in their reading nook with an open binder in front of her, holding small squares of paper in her hands, hair down, in a sundress and shall, clutching a pillow to her chest

"Hello, M'lady!" Hiccup opened the door with his keys in one hand and two bags in another

"Hey, babe!" Astrid called back

"What are you looking at?" Hiccup placed the bags on the counter and walked over to where Astrid was sitting

"Some old photos I found, wanna look at them with me?"

"Of course." Hiccup sat behind her and kissed her temple "So, what's that one your holding?" Hiccup pointed to the photo in Astrid's left hand

"It's my fifth birthday party. See? That's me, then you, Fishlegs, Snotlout and then the twins." Astrid pointed to each of their friends

"Yeah, I remember that. Didn't the twins ruin your cake by roughhousing?"

"I was so upset! We had to use the cupcakes that were for the bake sale that week."

"You still made twenty bucks"


"And then this one?" Hiccup pointed to the photo in her right hand as he started braiding her hair

"When we were at the park, you, me and Fishlegs."

"Didn't he fall off of his?"

"And then cried about it? Yes."

"Well, I mean- how old were we?"

"About four."

"And then this one." Hiccup leaned forward, holding Astrid's braid in place and pointed to a photo in the binder

"Our first day of senior year of High school when we bumped into Heather after Dagur dropped her off."

"You two would not stop talking for like, two weeks!" Hiccup tied off Astrid's braid

"We had a lot to catch up on!" Astrid exclaimed, "Hey, remember this?"

Astrid picked up a photo with both hands, holding the corners to not smudge it

"Is that-" Hiccup started

"That was when your family and my went to Hawaii when we were 7 years old."

"Didn't you bury me in the sand?"

"Only up to your neck, but, yes."

"My dad had to literally dig me out of there!" Hiccup chuckled

"Not my fault."

"You were holding the bucket and shovel!"

"Then I put the bucket on your head."

Hiccup and Astrid sat there, knowing that many more pictures would fill the empty slots in the binder of their lives


Hey guys! So, this chapter was 402 words and was a celebration chapter for the fact that this book hit 15k reads before the one year anniversary of me being here, as well as being in the top fifty, number forty-three of the #Hiccstrid!!!

I cannot thank you guys enough for getting me here!

Love you all, and I'll see you on the next one

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