Where Are We?

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This chapter is inspired by Stormdancer_'s chapter 'Time Travel' that was requested by Speedbreak

Hope you enjoy

Set during the T.V show, Riders of Berk

It was a quiet day on Berk, Hiccup, and Astrid were in the forge working on Toothless and Stormfly's saddles while Hope was in the arena with the others training

"Hey, Hiccup?" Astrid bent down and picked something up from the ground and dusted it off

"Yeah, Astrid?" Hiccup called over his shoulder

"What's this?" Astrid showed the small object to Hiccup

The small object appeared to be made of gold, the numbers 0-10 engraved around what appeared to be a modern-day clock, with a small dial on the side that moved the arrow in it

"Don't know" Hiccup grabbed it from Astrid's open hand and started messing with the dial

"Where did it come from?" Astrid watched as Hiccup messed with it

"Certainly not here. Maybe from a previous trade? Someone might have dropped it."

Hiccup then put the dial at five, causing the ground beneath them to turn black and for them to fall into it

"Woah!" Hiccstrid exclaimed as they fell through the bottomless pit of blackness

"Hiccup?!" Hope called

Then there was silence, paired with a slightly high pitched ringing

"Wh-where are we?" Astrid sat up, looking around finding the others sprawled on the floor

"Why is it all white?" Fishlegs got up

"Are we dead? Is this Valhalla?" Tuffnut got up

"No, you muttonhead. Because we didn't die in battle or in pain!" Ruffnut smacked Tuff upside the head

"Don't you mean in vain?" Hope asked

"We've got to find a way back to Berk." Hiccup looked around

"Wait, who are they?" Hope pointed to a group of seven adults a little ways away from them

"Don't know, should we ask them?" Astrid looked over at Hiccup

"Hey! Who are you guys?!" Snotlout shouted

"Snotlout!" Hiccup, Astrid, Hope, and Fishlegs exclaimed

"What? We were all just hanging around waiting for a plan to talk to some people, so, there was the plan." Snotlout shrugged

Then the adults moved over to the gang

"Did you just say Snotlout?" An older version of Hiccup and the others walked over

"Y-Yeah" Fishlegs stuttered

"Wait, why do you sound like me?" Both Hiccups looked at one another

"And you sound like me." The older version of Astrid pulled put her ax

"Hiccup what's going on?" Younger Astrid turned to younger Hiccup

"Woah, Astrid" Older Hiccup slowly grabbed Astrid's ax from her, holding her hand in his

"Woah, what's going on?" Snotlout pointed to how older Hiccup had his arm around older Astrid's waist while older Hope held her ax for her, causing younger Hiccup and Astrid to blush and look away

"I knew it!" Hope started jumping around giggling and clapping

"You sure did" Older Hope chuckled

"Wait wait wait, you're telling me that Astrid chooses Hiccup over this!" Younger Snotlout gestured to himself

"To be honest, you get used to it" Older Snotlout shrugged

"I'm still trying to comprehend this! Give me a minute!" Both  Tuffnut's exclaimed

"How did you guys get here?" Both Fishlegs's asked

"Astrid and I were in the forge, I was working on Hope's inferno and Astrid was sharpening her ax when she found something on the ground, some sort of dial, I turned it to five and here we are. What about you guys?" Older Hiccup held out an object that looked exactly like the one younger Hiccup found

"Astrid and I were in the forge working on Toothless and Stormfly's saddles when Astrid found this" Younger Hiccup pulled out the same dial "I played around with the dial before we ended up here"

"Woah! Look, they are the exact same dial!" Both sets of twins exclaim

"Okay, so, you said that you had a dial that you put on five, and went back, and then we put it on five and went forward" Both Snotlouts nodded

Everyone looked over at their times Snotlout

"So, you've seen us. To not mess with time for you guys and us, you each can ask yourselves one question. Not too accurate. Deal?" Hope looked at her younger self, brother and friends

"Deal" The younger gang nodded

"Okay" Younger Fishlegs pipped up "How many new dragons do you discover?"

"About 3,000 more" Older Fishlegs made hand gestures when he counted in his head

"Haaaaaa" Younger Fishlegs fainted

"Me next!" Younger Snotlout shouted, "So, do you get with Heather?"

"Nope, he does though" Older Snotlout pointed to Older Fishlegs

"What?!" Younger Snotlout yelled wide-eyed

"Who's left?" Older Hiccup asked

"Us!" The younger twins raised their hands "Do you Loki a lot more?" They asked simultaneously

"Of course!" Older Tuffnut exclaimed

"Why wouldn't we?" Older Ruffnut rolled her eyes

"Yes!" The younger twins pumped their fists

"Okay, so, what are you wearing?" Younger Hope gestured to older Hope's leather armor

"Oh, it's leather armor, me and Hiccup are matching since we go flying a lot, and, we made them at the same time" Older Hope gestured to her and older Hiccup's leather armors

"Cool" Younger Hope and Hiccup awed

"So, how did it go from this" Younger Astrid gestured to her and younger Hiccup "To that?" She gestured to older Hiccup and Astrid, who's hands were intertwined

"I can't give you the details" Older Astrid got on one knee in front of her younger self "But, it happens soon, and when it does, you're never going to regret it. He's going to be there for you through the thick and thin, the good and the bad, the sick and the healthy. And you're always going to be thankful for him." Older Astrid finished before standing up

"That was very well said, M'lady" Older Hiccup then kissed Older Astrid

"Haaaaaaaaaaa!" Younger Hope fainted seeing her brother and best friend as their older selves kissing

"And last but not least?" Younger Fishlegs looked at younger Hiccup

"D-Do you ever find mom?" Younger Hiccup asked, looking his older self in the eye

"Again, as Astrid said." Older Hiccup got down on one knee, placing his hand on younger Hiccup's shoulder "I can't tell you anything, but, don't lose hope of finding her."

Then they each returned to their Berk, knowing what they'll look like, and a little about their future

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