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Mister Hofferson yanked Hiccup back by his hoodie, clocking him in the jaw moments after

"What the hell?!" Hope jumped through the window and stood in between Hiccup and Mister Hofferson

"Where's Astrid?" Mister Hofferson stood aback by what Hope was doing

"She's at our place where she'll be safe." Hope put her hand behind her to help Hiccup to his feet


"Isn't that what you want? Is your daughter to be safe?"

"Not with you she isn't." Mister Hofferson raised his fist

Hope acted quickly, kicking Mister Hofferson where the sun don't shine- with her prosthetic- causing him to double over in pain

"Run!" Hope pushed Hiccup toward the window "Make sure dad is okay! I'll be there in a sec!"

"No. You get out here now!"

"You've been through enough. Just go!"

"Are you sure you gonna be okay?" Hiccup was standing by the gutter

"I'm gonna deal with him. Call the police when you get home!"

Hope turned back to Mister Hofferson, who had recovered from the hit

"You are a disgusting man." Hope rolled her sleeves "Astrid didn't deserve any of the pain you caused her."

Hope started backing up towards the window "You think you can hurt me? Prevent me from doing what I've done?" Mister Hofferson inched closer

"Yes. I do. Because you are a disgraceful man. And you have no right to be a father." One punch to the face

"You think a girl like yourself can tell me that?" Mister Hofferson punched Hope in the gut "You think that you have the right to tell me" kick "what a horrible" kick "parenting job" crack "I'm doing?"

Mister Hofferson stepped back. Hope coughed up a bit of blood. Broken ribs and a possible punctured lung

"You" Hope winced as she pulled herself to her feet "can kick me. Punch me. Beat me to death all you want. But you will never touch my brother or your daughter again." Hope slid down the roof, out of Mister Hofferson's grasp and tumbled to the ground

"Hope!" Hiccup pulled his sister up "What happened?"

"Where's dad?" Hope used the back of her hand to wipe the blood

"He's at home with Astrid. Police and ambulances are on the way." Hiccup wrapped Hope's arm around his neck "What did you do to you?"

"Broke some ribs. Maybe punctured a lung." Hope coughed up more blood

"God fucking dammit." Hiccup opened the door

"Hope!" Astrid ran over "Did he do this to you?"

"I'm fine Astrid. Ambulances are on their way." Hope sat down on the couch

"I can't believe this." Astrid sat down next to Hope

"Stay with her, I'm gonna step outside, make sure he doesn't make a run for it." Hiccup got up and made his way outside

"Make sure he's okay." Hope gurgled from the blood

"I'm not gonna leave you." Astrid affirmed

"He gets hurt, you feel pain."

"Sirens." Astrid pulled Hope up off the couch and outside

"Let's get her over to them." Hiccup helped Astrid and Hope

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