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This idea was given to me by LolaP1
Thank you for the wonderful idea


Soulmates feel each others pain


"Fuck." A young Hiccup Haddock cursed under his breath

"You okay?" An also young Hope Haddock, Hiccup's twin sister turned to the wince of pain

"Feels like I got punched in the gut." Hiccup recoiled from his doubled-over position

"That's the second time that's happened. And at this almost exact same time." Hope looked down at her watch

"Somethings wrong. I need to get to the-" Hiccup's hand flew to his eye "Oh fuck." Hiccup repeatedly blinked

"How are we gonna help? We don't know who your soulmate is."

"I have a pretty good idea of who it is." Hiccup nodded


"Hey Astrid." Hiccup greeted

"Hi." Astrid didn't look up from her book

"You have bangs?" Hiccup took a double take from his notes

"Yeah. Thought about trying something new." Astrid shrugged

"You wouldn't cut bangs unless you broke up with someone. What's the real reason?" Hiccup closed his notebook and shifted in his seat to face Astrid

"I just wanted a change for once! Can I not do that?" Astrid was getting ticked

"Astrid please." Hiccup pleaded "If there's anything wrong you can tell me." Hiccup reassured

"It's fine." Astrid glanced up at the board, giving Hiccup a glance at the black eye that her hair was covering

"What happened?" Hiccup asked

"What do you mean 'what happened?'?" Astrid wrote on the scratch piece of paper that was in front of her

"Why do you have a black eye?"

"Don't worry about it." Astrid brushed off the gesture

"You have a black eye! I can't just brush that off!" Hiccup snapped

"It's fine Hiccup." Astrid packed her bag as the bell rang "I'll see you later."

Astrid got up and headed to her next class

"Astrid wait!" Hiccup tried to go after her, the crowd preventing him

With ideas floating in his head, Hiccup headed off to his next class

"Anything?" Hope asked as Hiccup sat down next to her

Hiccup sighed "Well," Hiccup pulled his chemistry notebook out "she has a black eye. That's why she cut her bangs."

"You've got to hand it to her. For at he bangs, they aren't that bad." Hope shrugged

Hiccup eyed Hope as their teacher walked in

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