Hot & Cold

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You start off cold, getting warmer and warmer when you near your soulmate


"I swear!" Hope yelled "If I don't meet my soulmate and stop freezing to death? I'm gonna flip!" Hope was in a long sleeve, flannel, hoodie, leggings and pajama pants, fuzzy socks, Uggs, a beanie and gloves

"Tell me about it." Hiccup agreed in sweatpants and a flannel as well

"You can't say nothing, you've been warm before Hiccup." Hope rolled her eyes

It was true. Hayden "Hiccup" Haddock knew what it was like to be warm. It was ironic because he was at the beach when it first really happened

"Can I please go swim?!" Hiccup begged

"Go have fun. Stay where we can see you." Valka smiled, watching her son run off "Aren't you going to go swim?" Valka looked down at their daughter

"I wanna make a sandcastle!" Hailey "Hope", held her bucket proudly

"Hey, who are you?" Hiccup greeted a girl sitting by the edge of the water

"I'm Astrid. Who are you?"

"Hayden. My friends call me Hiccup."

"Hiccup?" Astrid stood up "That's a funny name."

"It's a nickname I was given because I tend to get hiccups easily." Hiccup started further into the water "Astrid is a really pretty name."

"Thanks!" Astrid smiled

"Wanna come swim with me?"

"Okay." Astrid followed Hiccup into the water

But, you're probably thinking, just go and find Astrid, realize that both of you burn up when near each other, and BAM! Soulmate.

There's a catch.

"Hi." Hiccup started swinging on the swings of the playground

"Hi." The cubby blond boy smiled as he sat on his swing

"I'm Hayden. My friends call me Hiccup."

"I'm Finn. My friends call me Fishlegs."

"Why Fishlegs?"

"They say I swim like a fish, so, Fishlegs." Fishlegs smiled "Why do they call you Hiccup?"

"I get hiccups a lot."

"Hiccups are kinda funny."

"Yeah." Hiccup pulled his hoodie off "It's really hot out."

"It's weird because it's cloudy." Fishlegs looked up at the sky

Hiccup is Bisexual and Hope Haddock is a lesbian.

So, Hiccup has the entire world as a soulmate and Hope?

"Hailey, this is Heather. Heather, this is Hailey." Astrid introduced the new girl

"My friends call me Hope." Hope waved at Heather "Nice to meet you."

Heather tied her sweatshirt around her waist "Nice to meet you Hope."

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