An Amazing Partner And...Part 2

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Little background info on what the couples are in this chapter

Hiccup & Astrid (8 months) (married)
Hope (6 months)& Eret (married)
Fishlegs & Heather (1 month) (Married)
Snotlout & Ruffnut (married)
Tuffnut & Macey ( let's say that their is a girl on the island named that) (dating)

Okay, now on with the story

It was an average day at Berk, Hiccup and Hope were handling Chief business around the village, well, Hope was doing paperwork, while Eret was helping Hiccup, Astrid and Heather were talking in the forest, Ruff and Snotlout were out flying, and Tuff and Macey were on a date at the moment. When it came to night, everyone was gathered in the great hall for dinner. The seating order was Hiccup, Astrid, Hope, Eret and Heather on one side, then on the other side Fishlegs (across from Heather) Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Macey.

Hope sighed

"You okay Hope?" Hiccup asked

"No, I'm fine, it's just, well, look at all of you guys, you've come so far since you were 15. It's insane the difference you guys have made in 5 years!"

"I guess she's right, we have made a difference" Fishlegs chimed in

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to the one and only Hiccup Haddock" Tuff said

"I guess you guys are right, we have made a difference in the world"

They continued their conversations for a while

Astrid gasped while touching her stomach

"Astrid, are you alright?" Hiccup asked conserned

"No, Hiccup, I think the baby's coming." Astrid said looking him dead in the eyes

"Okay, just stay calm Astrid"

"How can I stay calm Hiccup, it's too early!"

"Eret, you go get gothi, Hiccup, take Astrid home, Fishlegs, go get Valka." Hope said, realising the situation

"Alright, see you soon" Eret said kissing Hope's forehead then exiting the great hall

"Okay, be back soon!" Fishlegs said running out the door

"Alright, let's hurry M'lady." Hiccup said picking her up, mounting Toothless, and taking off

It's now Valka, gothi, Hiccup and Astrid in their hut

"Alright Astrid, it's time, I'm going to need you to push." Valka said

Astrid starting pushing, it was only 2 hours later when they had a child (I'm super lazy, I know)

"It's a boy" Valka said taking the baby and passing him off to gothi

"Is he alright?" Astrid asked, catching her breath

"I'm sure he is" Hiccup said, with Astrid's hand in his

"Are you sure, it's too early though"

"Astrid, look at me, me and Hope came early too, and look how we came out"

"That's why I'm worried"


"You know I'm kidding"

"Yeah, I do"

"He's perfectly fine" Valka said, with their baby wrapped in furs "I'll give you guys some privacy"

Their son had Hiccups face shape, only with blonde hair and blue eyes

"What should we name him?" Hiccup asked

"Well, I was thinking of naming him Stoick, after your father"

"I like that, welcome to the world Stoick Haddock the second."

After a few hours, Valka, Hope and Eret came in, they each got to hold Stoick for a few minutes each, Valka being the last one

"He's so cute, he looks just like Hiccup, only with your hair and eyes Astrid." Hope said, cradling her nephew

"He is a very handsome little guy, isn't he." Eret said, once he got to hold him, then passed him to Valka

"So, what was the name you decided upon?" Valka asked, holding her grandson

"His name is Stoick Haddock the second" Astrid said, yawning a little after

"After dad?" Hope asked

"Yeah" Hiccup responded

Valka started tearing up

"Mom, you okay?" Hiccup asked, once he got Stoick back and handed him to Astrid so she could take a nap

"Yes son, I'm fine, it's just, well Stoick reminds me of when you and Hope were wee ones." Valka answered as they went outside

"Well, I bet we are going to have to answer some questions once we get back, hu Hiccup." Hope asked

"Questions and announcements both, but that would be in the morning, goodnight guys" Hiccup said, heading inside

"Goodnight son" Valka said as she walked with Hope and Eret

Once Hiccup got inside, he went upstairs, to see that Astrid was fast asleep, with Stoick laying on her chest. He smiled at the sight of his wife and their newborn son.

"Goodnight Astrid, I love you" Hiccup said, kissing the top of her head

"Goodnight Stoick, I love you too" Hiccup said kissing the top of his sons head, then heading off to bed

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