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This idea was given to me by Amaljama01_
Thank you for this idea


Valka's first interaction with Astrid was silent, and not how Hiccup would've planned his mother ever meeting his betrothed.

Hiccup, Hope, and Valka were sat by the body of the late Stoick the Vast. When Astrid, Eret, and the others landed to see what was wrong, Astrid and Eret rushed over to console their respective Haddock twin.

Valka and Astrid had locked eyes for a brief moment before Valka looked over at Gobber, who had walked over.

Their next interaction was at the end of the battle at Berk- right before Hiccup was crowned Chief- Hiccup and Astrid shared a kiss

"Are you sure she's even going to like me?" Astrid had been worrying about formally meeting Valka since Hiccup brought up the topic

"Astrid." Hiccup turned around "For the absolute hundredth time, she's going to love you."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"M'lady, even if she doesn't," Hiccup grabbed Astrid's hands in his "I'm not going to leave you because of what my mom says about you."

Astrid smiled at his remark before he pulled her into a hug


The dreaded moment of formal introduction had Astrid even more nervous

"Mom?" Hiccup opened the oak door

"In here Hiccup!" Valka called out from her position in the small hut

"I wanted to formally introduce you to Astrid, my betrothed." Hiccup gestured to a quiet Hofferson

"Betrothed?" Valka made her way over, "Did I hear that right?"

"Nice to meet you Misses Haddock." Astrid stuck her hand out after Hiccup nudged her

"Oh please, Valka is fine dear." Valka pulled Astrid into a hug

"Oh" Astrid hesitated for a moment "Okay Valka." Astrid eyed Hiccup with a wave of relief

"When did you become betrothed might I ask?" Valka sat down, Hiccup pulled Astrid over and sat down with her

"When we were eighteen, at this place called the edge." Astrid started

"The edge was this place we had found outside of the archipelago." Hiccup added

"I heard a little about the edge from Hope." Valka was beaming at her son's happiness

"It was a home for that entire year we spent there."

Astrid's shoulders had relaxed after the few moments, relief swelled through her that Valka liked her

"A Bewilderbeast, under the island?" Valka gave a questionable look

"It looked exactly like the dragon at your sanctuary mom. I found an egg in the nest." Hiccup explained

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