I'm So Glad Your Safe...Part 2

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"What are we gonna do?" Astrid asked in a panic

"Stay calm, stay here with Stormfly, and I'll be back" Hope said reassuring

"Okay, just, come back please"

"I will, don't worry"

So Hope went to the entrance of the cave, and peered out to see four of Grimmel's men, probably searching for them. So then Hope and Treasure went outside and were able to fight them off, but Hope got struck in the arm with a sword, followed by a few bruises here and there.

"Hope are you okay?!" Astrid said, getting herself to stand on her other leg

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to bandage my arm"

"What happened out there?"

"There were four of his men, and we fought then off, I got a few bruises, and then my arm" Hope said, while wrapping her arm with a bandage

"When do you think we can get out of here?" Astrid asked, sitting herself back down

"Honestly, I don't know, but, maybe when all the noise dials down outside"

"Okay, I'm just really worried about Hiccup, Hope. I know that he is searching for me, I know he's worried about me"

"Yeah, no, I get it, I'm worried about him to, and what he'll say about me keeping you here with me..."


"Where is she?" Hiccup said, worried and panicked

"I don't know, but we will find her Hiccup, promise" Fishlegs told him reassuringly

The twins, Snotlout, Heather, Valka, Eret and Gobber flew up around and to no avail did they find Astrid or Hope

"Where do you think they could be son?" Valka asked

"I don't know, but all I'm hoping is that they are okay" Hiccup replied with a sigh

"I hope so too" Heather chimed in

"Uhm, guys?" Tuffnut started

"We've got more company" Ruffnut finished

"Alright guys, you know the drill, let's go" Hiccup said

They all took off into battle, it was the 8 of them versus at least 20 men. It was almost a draw, but luckily the dragon riders were able to pull through. Once they fought off Grimmel's men, Hiccup, Heather, Valka and Eret went to go look for Astrid and Hope, while the others went back to Berk


"Do you think we can come out now?" Astrid asked atop Stormfly

"Yeah, I think so" Hope said atop Treasure

So once the exited the cave, they flew to a clearing in the woods, and waited there for the others to notice them, and that, didn't take very long

"Astrid, you may want to turn around" Hope said, dismounting Treasure, and helping Astrid off and to the ground because of her leg

"Why?" Astrid asked conserned

"Astrid" Hiccup said, falling to his knees embracing her

"Hiccup" Astrid sighed in tears

"I'm so glad your okay...I thought I lost you"

"I know, I thought that you got hurt"

"Hope" Eret said before hugging her

"Eret" Hope said in tears

"What happened to you?" Eret asked holding her arm

"It's nothing Eret, just fighting off some of his men, a sword cut me"

"Well, at least your okay, because, that's all that matters to me"

"Mom" Hope said running over to Valka

"Oh, Hope, I thought I lost you"

"Heather!" Astrid exclaimed in excitement

"Astrid!" Heather replied before hugging her friend

"I missed you"

"I missed you too"

"Well, now that everyone is back together, let's say we head home now?" Valka asked, mounting CloudJumper

"Sound like an amazing idea" Astrid and Hope said at the same time, before giggling

And with that, Hiccstrid was reunited, as well as Heret, and everyone was safe and sound....

For now.....

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