They're Back...Part 1

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The dragons had left… all of them. Hiccup and Toothless said goodbye, then he watched as Toothless flew off into the sunset with the Light Fury, and the other dragons. Never to be seen again...Or so they thought….

“Bye bud. I’ll miss you, you know that, right?” Hiccup was scratching his trusted dragon of six years, Toothless

Toothless nuzzled into his riders side, cooning to comfort him

“I know bud. I love you too. See you someday.” Hiccup said through tears

“Bye Treasure. I’ll miss you girl.” Hope hugged her dragon of 10 years, a Razorwhip

Treasure whimpered, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to wake up to an early morning flight with her rider

“I know girl. I love you, and I’ll miss you. See you soon.” Hope started crying into Hiccup’s shoulder, with her arm wrapped around his shoulders

They watched as their dragons flew off. They both opened their fisted hands, Hiccup revealed a scale from Toothless, while Hope revealed a small spine from Treasure. They closed their hands again.

“I know how we can keep these safe Hiccup.” They had started walking back to their respected

“And what way would that be?” He looked down at his sister, to see that her breathing was still hitching
“Necklaces, or bracelets?”

“Why not necklaces, then the others can take their pick. Sound good?”

“I’ll get to work on them right away.” Hope grabbed Toothless’s scale and ran over to the forge

It’s now been 10 years since the day where the dragons left. Hiccup was standing in the place where it first started. The Cove. With his son, Stoick Haddock II. Hiccup was explaining to his son where the dragons went

“And that’s why there are no more dragons…” Hiccup finished with a slight sigh

It was dead silence, then Stoick broke it with a simple question

“But if they're all gone, why is there one right there?” Stoick pointed over to some rocks

“Haha very funny. Time to head home…”

But before they could turn around and head to the exit, a little baby night fury stepped out from behind the rocks Stoick was pointing to looking all shy and curious. Hiccup just stares at it because he’s too shocked to do anything, but Stoick was really excited and rushed up to the night fury. The night fury still looks a little scared, and it just stares at Stoick, as Stoick at him. And then Stoick slowly reaches out and touch the baby night fury on the nose.

“How in the name of Thor?” Hiccup was still starstruck, aghast

“ ‘How in the name of Thor?’ what?” Astrid appeared in the entrance, making her way over to her husband and son

“Look.” Hiccup took Astrid’s hand his his

“Oh, my Thor. How?” Astrid looked up at him

“I don’t know. Wait, look!” Hiccup pointed at the rock that Stoick was by with the baby night fury

Hiccup and Astrid made their way over to where the noise was coming from. Astrid picked up Stoick, in case whatever was back there meant harm. They both stood there, Hiccup had his hand in front of Astrid and Stoick. But, then, what they thought would mean no harm was none other than…

“Toothless?!” Hiccup took a step forward

“But, but, how?!” Astrid readjusted Stoick on her hip

Toothless moved towards his rider, it took a second for him to register that it was Hiccup. But once he did, he pressed his nose to Hiccup’s hand, closing his eyes, before he opened them again

“Hey, bud. I missed you. Welcome home.” Hiccup said through tears, before hugging his dragons head

Toothless cooned before going over to Astrid and nuzzling her

“Hey Toothless, Welcome back.” Astrid scratched his head

Toothless raised his head so he could smell Stoick. Astrid then decided to put him down, so that he could with the baby night fury. Toothless was a little unsettled, but then Hiccup got him to calm down.

“It’s okay Toothless. This is Stoick, my son.” Hiccup got down on one knee, with Stoick standing next to him

“Hiccup, it’s getting late, we should head back, everyone is probably worried about us.” Astrid
grabbed Stoick

“You're right, let's go.” Hiccup grabbed Astrid’s free hand, and they soon made their way back to the village

Toothless and the baby were in tow, so, that meant a surprise was about to arise...

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