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Ding Dong


Mister Hofferson's hand went down onto Hiccup's face, sending him to the floor, and Astrid's hands to her cheek

"Hiccup!" Astrid rushed down to help him up

"I'm fine." Hiccup glared at Mister Hofferson as he walked out in response to the doorbell

"It's really red Hiccup." Astrid cupped his other cheek

"So is yours." Hiccup brushed a strand of hair out her face


"If I don't want this happening, I have to. I'll be back." Hiccup ran out and slammed the door behind him

Hope reached her hand out to protest, but it was too late.

Hope sighed, hand running down her face "He just doesn't listen."

Toothless looked up with those iconic puppy eyes of his

"I'm sorry Toothless. Let's get you guys a walk, huh?" Hope grabbed the dual retractable leash off of the small table by the door

Hope clipped up Treasure and Toothless' collars

"Heading out for a walk dad!" Hope called out, before closing the door behind her, both dogs in front

Hope took Toothless and Treasure down the block and to the forest path that they went to often

"Go play." Hope unclipped the two and sat on the bench

Hope took out her phone

Hope: Hiccup, are you alright?

Hiccup: Get to Astrid's. Now.

"Shit." Hope cursed "Toothless! Treasure!"

Both dogs came running back "We have to go." Hope clipped up the two

Hope ran back as fast as she could

"Dad?!" Hope slammed the door closed "Dad we need to get to Astrid's, now!"

"What's wrong?" Stoick was sat in the living area, a tablet in hand

"Somethings wrong." Hope was lightly panting from the run back

"Well, when I gave Mister Hofferson a talking too, it didn't seem as much was wrong." Stoick reassured

"There's still something happening. I just got a message to get over there. Both of them could be in trouble." Hope didn't loosen the worried look plastered onto her face

"Then let's get over there." Stoick got up from his seat

The two of them made their way out the door and over to the Hofferson household

Stoick rang the doorbell "Come on Hiccup." Hope pleaded

"Ah! Stoick, Hope, good to see you both." Mister Hofferson opened the door "What can I do for you?"

"Where is my son?" Stoick demanded

"He's upstairs studying with Astrid for an upcoming test." Mister Hofferson responded

"Bullshit." Hope spat, pushing her way past Mister Hofferson "They've never studied together their entire lives." Hope started up the stairs

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