First Light

449 12 1

Modern AU

If you would like the song, it's not on YouTube so just search 'First Light Spencer Jones' on Spotify since that's where I found it

On with the chapter


It was Hiccup and Astrid's four year anniversary, and, Hiccup had come up with a cheesy was to propose to Astrid

"You sure it's going to work?" Fishlegs asked as he and Hiccup were talking before he would have Heather drop off Astrid at the spot Hiccup had chosen

"If not it's gonna be really embarrassing." Hiccup said holding a guitar

"Well, I wish you luck, and I hope that tomorrow I get good news from Heather. See ya later Hiccup."

"See you later Fishlegs."

A few minutes later, everything was set up, and Heather had just dropped of Astrid

"What's going on?" Astrid asked as she was being guided by Heather due to Astrid's blindfold

"You'll see." Heather reassured

Start song

"I feel it coming before it hits the window and shades." Hiccup started singing

Heather removed Astrid's blindfold and darted back to her car, leaving Astrid starstruck at her boyfriend singing

"Here in the desert, it finds me the same time every day.
Fully aware I will hurt if I open my eyes.
I keep them shut tight and go back to a time." Hiccup continued as he played his guitar

"Oh, my gods..." Astrid started tearing up

"First light, I still remember that long drive.
Through the cold of the winter there burned a fire, a fire so wild and new.
And a deep red painted cross the sky made you catch your breath, as do the best things in life."

"Hiccup I-" Astrid moved closer to the auburn-haired boy she'd come to know and love

"Your heart beat
it moved to rhythm of mine. Mine at first light." Hiccup took a breath "I opened a letter dated March the 13th a Sunday. You said you were in love with me, made it quite clear that you'd never felt this way. It's ironic, it's funny when eyes see perfection they cry. But oh when they lose it, when they lose it they die."

"Babe, you didn't have to do this..." Astrid whipped away some of her tears

"First light, I still remember that long drive. Through the cold of winter there burned a fire, a fire so wild so new. And a deep red painted cross the sky made you catch your breath as do the best things in life.

Your heartbeat it moved to rhythm of mine. Mine at first light.

First light, can't help but remember that long drive watching the embers grow cold. And with eyes red, I choked on the words that were never said. Like strangers we said our goodbyes...

At first... No I won't lose you so I stand in the path of the train, and angry the passengers say that this man is insane, but you come hold me, and say "why would you leave me you know I'm no good on my own? Life is too cold, to grow old all alone." But it's all in my mind and I'll ache if I wake. be filled with desire. Consumed by years of mistakes But if I close my eyes, I'm sure you'll be mine.

If I close my eyes, I know you'll be mine, Till..."

Hiccup played the last few chords, before setting down his guitar and grabbing one of Astrid's hands, grabbing something out of his back pocket, and getting down on one knee

"Astrid, you and I have been through everything together. Everything from our near-death experiences, to the times we spent alone together as a break from the others. Astrid, you have me, no matter what. Okay, whatever that means, whatever you want it to mean. I am with you. There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always." Hiccup paused, opening the box, revealing a silver ring with green and blue stripes connecting into a heart, with a small diamond in the middle "And now, I must ask you, M'lady. Will you marry me?"

"Yes." Astrid choked out

Hiccup got up and slipped the ring on Astrid's finger before enveloping her in a kiss

"That was probably the most cheesy way you could've done that. You know that?" Astrid said as she broke the kiss

"Well, what else would you expect from a dork like me?" Hiccup chuckled

"Nothing less. It's beautiful." Astrid said, admiring the ring that was placed upon her finger

"Not as beautiful as you." Hiccup said before kissing her again

"I love you." Astrid said, leaning her head on his shoulder

"And I love you too M'lady."

And with that, Fishlegs did indeed get VERY good news from Heather


Hey guys!! Sorry, this is kinda short, but, I just spontaneously thought of it when I was listening to that song again, so, hope you enjoyed it!!

Mack attack out!!!

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