Looks like...

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While Hiccup and Astrid tended to their duties as Chief and Chieftess, Valka would watch Zephyr and Nuffink until Astrid got done at the arena. And this one time, all of the buzzing work halted on Berk.

"Stay close dearies!" Valka called after an all too excited Zephyr and Nuffink

"Can't catch me, sis!" Nuffink called over his shoulder as he ran through the forest with his sister chasing him

"Oh, I will Nuff! Just you wait!" Zephyr yelled back as she tried to catch up to him, before abruptly stopping

"I win!" Nuffink cheered as he touched the bark of a tree that they carved little lines into "Sis? Sissy?" Nuffink started back the way he came

"Nuff" Zephyr grabbed her brothers arm, eyes not wandering off what she was seeing "You need to see this..."

Now both Zephyr and Nuffink were looking at a ledge with tones of tall grass on it

"Could we play hide and seek?" Nuffink looked at his sister with worried eyes

"Yes we could, but we need to get down there" Zephyr took a few steps forward, before feeling a tug on her sleeve

"Don't sis, you could get hurt!"

"Zephyr! Nuffink!" Valka called a good distance away

"Over here, grandma!" The Haddock kids yelled back

Zephyr and Nuffink moved a few inches at a time, with Valka catching them right before they got to go down the hill that led to the ledge

"What have I told you both about running off?" Valka asked

"To not too" Zephyr and Nuffink answered their eyes pointed down at the ground, before drifting to the ledge

"What are you both looking at?"

"We found a ledge that has a lot of grass that we wanted to play hide and seek in!" Zephyr explained

"Hey! Look!" Nuffink pointed to a black figure, a white figure, and three small figures that were both colors

"Hey! Isn't that daddy's dragon?" Zephyr pointed to the big black figure on the ledge

"And their babies!" Nuffink jumped

"What are they doing here?" Valka wondered

"Can we go say hi? Please grandma!" Zephyr pleaded

"Let's go find your mother and father first, then we can see them" Valka took their hands and started walking back to the village

Once Valka, Zephyr, and Nuffink got out of the forest, they found Astrid and Hiccup walking towards them, probably to find them

"Mommy! Daddy!" Zephyr and Nuffink started running towards Astrid and Hiccup

"There they are!" Astrid picked up Nuffink, while Hiccup picked up Zephyr

"Hey mom" Hiccup walked over to Valka

"On a break by the looks of it?" Valka asked

"Yeah, not much has that needs my complete and utter attention has been going on" Hiccup responded

"Mommy! Mommy! Guess what?!" Nuffink cheered

"What?" Astrid asked smiling

"Zephyr and I found daddy's dragon!"

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