Come On...Come On.../Heret

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It was one of those really dark and stormy nights on Berk. And this snow storm was coming down harder than in the past decade. Everyone was huddle in the Great Hall for warmth and a certain viking needed a walk. It was Hope, the role of Chief was just now settling in, of all the times it could, it was today. But being Chief wasn't the only thing setting in, a lot of things were and she just needed to think, alone.

"How does the village expect me to just be thrown into a life I didn't even knew existed until last year! I mean, they also expect me to be head strong even though I found out about my father right after I became Co-Chief! Like seriously, and on top of that I had to take all the Chiefing duties once Hiccup and Astrid had Stoick! And on top of that, I'm a teacher at the academy for survival, as well as Heather, and it's just....ARG! I need a break from all this! I've had to much stuff on my plate this past year than I've had my entire LIFE!" Hope's ranting caused her to loose track of where she was going, and how cold it was, and how dark it got. "Oh great, I should start heading back now, but, how?"


"She should have been back by now Hiccup, she said she would only take a little bit, I'm going to look for her." Eret reached for the door

Hope and Eret grew really close when she first got to Berk, especially after Hope nearly died of a sevear disease. Eret would always watch her, and be by her side whenever he could, like Hiccup to Astrid when she nearly died of the Scourge of Odin. Hope and Eret are now married, they have been for about 2 months. They were as happy as ever, and started talking about kids. Of course, the village didn't accept the relationship, since Eret was one of Drago's men, they thought that their relationship was just a way to infiltrate Berk. Even though they had been dating for 6 months, so, they had to hide it, but, enjoyed time alone all the same.

"No Eret wait, you can't go out there. It's to dangerous!" Hiccup grabbed his arm, stopping him from opening the door

"No! I have too! She could die of hypothermia out there! And if she did, I would only blame myself!"

"Eret, look, this is Hope we are talking about right? She's survived the worst of the worst in the past 12 years of her life, I think she'll be okay." Hiccup let go

"Yeah Eret, and, if she doesn't come back in the hour, that's when we look for her, that sound fair?" Astrid readjusted Stoick on her hip

"Alright, if she doesn't come in the next hour, that's when we go find her." Eret sat back down, looking at the Gronkle iron band that was wrapped around his finger 'I hope you come back safe Hope, please, for me...'

Half an hour later

"I swear that all the bad stuff has to happen to me! I can't feel my fingers or my toes, my nose and cheeks are a brighter red than Dagur's hair! And my leg is completely iced over! Plus I can't see! It's pitch black and I'm about to--woah!" Hope tripped on a rock, causing a branch to go deep into her left side

"Oh God's, now I really need to get back" Hope winced in pain

She was loosing blood, lots of blood. She couldn't feel her left leg anymore. She couldn't walk. She couldn't talk. She couldn't see. Trudging through the snow that was now up to her knees wasn't a walk on the park. And she knew that she might not make it...

"Alright, I'm heading out, are you joining me brother?" Eret walked to the door, but turned to Hiccup

"I am, let's go" Hiccup headed to the door, before someone grabbed his arm. It was the blonde shield maiden of his dreams

"Hiccup, don't!" Astrid had a worried look on her face

"M'lady, I'll be fine, you need to stay here with Stoick, we'll be back"

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