You Promised...Part 1

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This takes place before The Hidden World and after HTTYD 2

With Hiccup as Chief, the neighboring islands to Berk are not sure what to think of him taking over, so some are willing to conquer that.

In fear of some wanting to overthrow him, Hiccup decides to form alliances with as many islands as he can. So, he starts with the kingdom of Ravaging. I know, weird name.

A horn sounds on the peaceful island of Berk

"They're here!" A man shouted

Hiccup, Astrid, Hope, and Valka go down to meet the king

"King Arn. A pleasure to meet you." Hiccup helps Arn off the boat

"A pleasure to meet you as well Chief." Arn greets

"Hiccup is fine."

"Wonderful to meet you, Arn." Astrid shook his hand

"Nice to meet you too-" Arn started "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"Astrid. Astrid Hofferson."

"Hofferson? Why. I knew your father."

"Arn, this is my sister and co-Chief of Berk, Hope." Hiccup introduced

"It's wonderful to meet you, your Majesty." Hope shook his hand

"As you." Arn nodded "Wonderful to see you back and alive Valka. I'm terribly sorry about Stoick."

"Glad to be back. Thank you very much, Arn."

"And this is my daughter, Angelica." Arn gestures to a dark haired girl with tan skin and striking blue eyes. She was about Hiccup & Hope's height dressed in a royal gown

They all headed to the Great Hall to discuss the matters at hand. Hope and Astrid leave Hiccup, Valka, Arn and Angelica be

"I have a bad feeling about this alliance," Hope said as she and Astrid were walking to the forest

"What do you mean?" Astrid turned to her future sister-in-law

"Why would Arn bring his daughter to form an alliance with us?"

"Probably like how Hiccup had to go to all the Chief meetings with Stoick, Angelica has to go to all of them with Arn."

"I don't know, seems a bit off to me."

Back at the Great Hall

"I would suggest that you get to know my daughter.", Arn said

"And I'm sure that Hope would love to be friends with her." Hiccup brushes it off

"No. You need to get to know her because the only way we will form an alliance with Berk is if you, Hiccup, marry my daughter. I give you a days time to think about it. And if not. You can expect a full-on attack from us." Arn and a slightly annoyed Angelica walk off leaving a stunned Hiccup and Valka to be in the Great Hall

After a talk with Valka and Hope, Hiccup heads over to Astrid's place to talk to her

"Hey, babe." Astrid greets

"Hello, M'lady." Hiccup gives her a quick peck on the lips

"How'd it go with Arn?" Astrid closed the door behind Hiccup

"Not too well. Hope was right in how she felt off about Arn bringing Angelica."

"What do you mean?"

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