Yes. Wait. What?

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Today wasn't just an average day at Berk, today was the day that Hiccup was going to propose to Astrid, but in a very, very, very dorky way. Here's how it happened...

Berk was under attack. Grimmels fleet of ships were getting closer and closer to surrounding island. And so everyone had to get ready.

"Okay, Fishlegs, you secure the dragons in their pens, Heather, you go with him. Ruff, Tuff, you two go scout the west side of the island. Snotlout and Macey scout the east. Gobber, mom, you guys take the back of the island." Hope was barking orders to prepare for the war that was upon them

"What about you, Hiccup and Astrid?" Snotlout asked

"We already have jobs so just go do it!" Hope snapped back

And so they were off, meanwhile...

"Have you secured the battlements?" Hiccup asked

"Yes." Astrid replied

"Have you secured the elderly and children in the stables?"


"Will you marry me?"

"Yes. Wait. What?"

"*Running away* You-said-yes-no-takebacks!"

"Hey! Get back here Hiccup!"

He the bumped into Hope while running off

"Woah, woah, woah, Hiccup, why are you running...from Astrid?" Hope asked, after glancing behind him

"Because I just proposed to her." He said, catching his breath


"I proposed to her"

"Well then why in Thor's name are you running away from her?!"

"That's the exact question I was going to ask him Hope." Astrid said, walking over to them

"So....?" Hope said gesturing to them

"I thought it was super dorky" Astrid said, before kissing Hiccup

"She said yes, Hope. We're getting married" Hiccup said after they broke apart

"Oh my God's! Congrats you guys!" Hope said hugging them

"Guys! It's go time!" Heather shouted from atop of Windshear

"After we win this" Astrid said mounting Stormfly

"Yes indeed M'lady" Hiccup replied while getting on Toothless

And so they were off to the next chapter of their lives

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