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(Based on photo above)

"So, that's your plan?" Hiccup asked

"Yes, you think it will work?" Hope asked

"I think so, as long as she doesn't take my head before I say it."

"Ha ha ha, very funny, okay, go and do it."

"Okay, thanks Hope!" Hiccup shouted running towards the forest

So, Hiccup's plan was to tell Astrid that he don't like her last name, and tell her that Haddock, his last name, is better for her, and that she will take it as him proposing to her. He hopes...
He found Astird throwing her axe at trees in the forest, for practice, like she always does.

"Astrid, can I tell you something?" Hiccup ask her

"Sure Hiccup, what's it about?" Astrid asked

"Well it's...please don't kill me!"

"I won't kill you... unless you give me a reason to."

"Okay uhm...well it's about your last name."

"Okay, what about it...?"

"(I'm digging my own grave here...I hate you Hope) Uhm, well, Ihateit..."


"I'm saying Ihateit..."


"I said I hate it!"

"Excuse me? *Picks up her axe"

"Y-you heard me. I hate it. I believe that doesn't suit you."

"Oh really *crosses arms, glares at Hiccup* care to explain, why?"

"Well...I just think there's a better last mane out there for you."

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"Haddock.*Smiles, pats her shoulder, walks away*"

"*Stunned* W-what...? Did you just...propose to me? *Runs after him* Hiccup! Get back here you son of a half troll-- DID YOU JUST PROPOSE TO ME?!"

"Maybe!" Hiccup shouts running away

"Hiccup, why are you running, did it work?" Hope asked

"She's after me, and yes, yes it did." Hiccup said catching his breath

"Yes! Okay, here's the plan, run towards our hut, and with my signal, start walking towards us, and I'll stop her and talk to her, sound good?"

"Sounds great, and here's your que now!" Hiccup yelled running again

"Woah, slow down Astrid, can I talk to you for a minute?" Hope asked after stopping her

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Why were you running after Hiccup?"

"Because he just proposed to me."

"*Gasps* He what?!"

"I said he just proposed!"

"Astrid, do you hear yourself? Hiccup asked you to marry him? Do you realize that?"

No answer

"Astird?" Hope asked

"Oh. My. God's. He did, he really just did! I need to go talk to him!"

"Talk to me about what M'lady?" Hiccup asked, wrapping his arms around Astrid's waist

"Hiccup! You just proposed!" Astrid said turning around

"So, is it a yes?"

Astrid wrapped her arms around his neck, with Hiccups still around her neck, they both leaned in, and kissed, it was passionate, but short

"Does that answer your question?" Astrid asked

"Yes." Hiccup said contently

"Yay! I call planning the wedding!" Hope said walking up to them

"Of course, now why not we gather everyone in the great Hall for a announcement? Is that alright with you M'lady?" Hiccup asked Astrid

"That's perfect. I love you Hiccup."

"I love you too Astrid."

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