Her New Wings

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Today was very special for a certain golden blonde haired, ocean eyed shield maiden. Astrid had just seen the finishing touches that Hiccup put on her Deadly Nadder inspired armor. Made from her loyal dragon, Stormfly’s shed scales, and a layer of her fianceeś night fury, Toothless’s saliva, so that it has fireproof abilities. She absolutely loved the designs he made. But, Hiccup had one more little surprise up his sleeve…

“So, why are we here Hiccup? I really wanna know.” Astrid dismounted Stormfly, onto the solid ground

“Well, let’s just say that it has to do with these!” Hope snapped her wings out

“What do you mean?”

“Why not you try it yourself?” Hiccup gestured to Astrid before he got his out

“What? Hiccup, you didn’t put wings in him-” Hiccup went up behind her

“Oh yes, he did!” Hope giggled, putting on the helmet of her Razorwhip armor

“Surprise M’lady”

“Hiccup! You didn’t have to do this!”

“Of course I did, I love you, Astrid.” Hiccup kissed her, it was short but just as passionate

“I love you too Hiccup, thank you.” She pulled away, their kiss lingered

“Well, do you wanna try them out?” Hope walked over to them

“Of course I do! What are they made of anyway?” Astrid lifted her arm to about neck height, looking at the fabric that hung from her arm, and connected with her waist and legs

“Well, remember how one of the Deadly Nadders, who Stormfly was friends with passed away last
week?” Hiccup took her hands in his

“Yeah, she didn’t act normal that whole day…”

“We used the skin of that Nadder to make the wings, that’s why Stormfly has been sniffing your legs and waist all day. We thought it would give your armor a nice touch for her.” Hope mounted Treasure and patted her head

“Wow, well, let's see them fly, shall we?”

“We shall” Hiccup put his helmet on, and mounted Toothless

They then took off, going only a few feet away from the ground, so that if anything went wrong, they could easily land

“Alright, you ready?” Hiccup looked over at Astrid

“As I’ll ever be.” Astrid let go of Stormfly’s saddle

“Okay, I’ll go first, then Hiccup will help you, Astrid. See you guys in the sky!” Hope slid off of Treasure’s saddle, she fell about five feet, before her wings snapped open and she started gliding around, soon flapping just like a dragon

“Are you sure your ready?” Hiccup grabbed Astrid’s hand and rubbed his thumb against the back of it

“Yeah, yeah, I’m ready, let’s go” Astrid let Hiccup guide her off her saddle

“And-- Now!” Hiccup let go her hand so she could deploy her wings before he grabbed her hand again

“Woah, okay.” Astrid tightened her grip on Hiccup’s hand

“Easy Astrid, even yourself out” Hiccup moved her arm to the correct position

“Look at you sis, you're doing it!” Hope flew up next to them

“Yeah, I really am!” Astrid slowly let go of Hiccup’s hand and started gliding on her own

“She really is, she really is” Hiccup smiled underneath his helmet, flying off after two of the girls he cared for dearly

And that’s how Astrid go her new wings...

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