Remember When

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Stoick and Eerika are 20 and Helka and Faith are 12

Hiccup, Astrid, Stoick, Helka, Hope, Eret, Eerika and Faith were spending some family time in the cove while Valka was running the village for a bit. Stoick was talking to Eerika while looking at the book of dragons. Helka and Faith were trying to get their siblings to play with them. Toothless, Stormfly, Skullcrusher and Treasure were all laying down in the sun, while Thor (Stoick's Rumblehorn) and Luna (Eerika's Stormcutter) were laying down beside their riders, and Pride (Helka's Hobblegrunt) and Violet (Faith's Razorwhip) were splashing at the water with their paws

"Finally, some alone time" Hiccup hugged Astrid closer to his side

"No distractions, no interruptions" Astrid sighed

"Saying that could be jinxing this you know" Hope leaned over and whispered it to her brother

"Hardy har har, no, it's not gonna happen this time" Hiccup rolled his eyes

"What do you mean?" Eret looked over at them confused

"Well, last time she and I said that, we were having a picnic, that the twins crashed" Hiccup explained

"Literally, crashed" Astrid emphasized

"That must've sucked" Eret sighed

"Oh did it ever" Hiccup replied

"So, speaking of the past, I wanna know the conversation that sparked Astrid and the others to get their dragons, cause there's gotta be one" Hope smiled looking over at her brother and sister

"Okay, so, we were 15, dad had just sailed off with the entire village in search of the nest, with Toothless as their compass...

Still standing there. The ships have cleared the horizon. Pan up to reveal Astrid is standing behind him. She approaches cautiously and stands beside him in silence.

"It's a mess," Astrid said plainly

Hiccup doesn't respond.

"You must feel horrible. You've lost everything. Your father, your tribe, your best friend." Astrid continued

"Thank you for summing that up." Hiccup finally spoke up "Why couldn't I have killed that dragon when I found him in the woods. It would have been better for everyone."

"Yep. The rest of us would have done it. Astrid took a breath before saying "So why didn't you?"

Hiccup just shakes his head - he really doesn't know. Astrid's eyes glimmer. She wants something.

"Why didn't you?" Astrid repeated herself

"I don't know. I couldn't." Hiccup said

"That's not an answer."

"Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?" Hiccup started to become irritated

"Because I want to remember what you say right now."..." Hiccup got cut off

"Oh for the love of -- I was a coward! I was weak. I wouldn't kill a dragon." Astrid said the words that Hiccup did to her

"You remembered? What I said, but, that was years ago! How?!" Hiccup looked at his wife, shocked

"As I told you all those years, I wanted to remember what you said" She shrugged

"*sigh* I guess you kept your word, so, as I was saying...

"You said 'wouldn't' that time," Astrid repeated what he told her

"Whatever! I wouldn't! Three hundred years and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon!" Hiccup blew up

Astrid took a breath

"First to ride one, though." Astrid looked at him

Hiccup blinks. He never looked at it that way before.

"So..." Astrid started, trying to get him to talk some more

"...I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was." Hiccup realized "I looked at him and I saw myself."

Astrid turns to face the open sea.

"I bet he's really frightened now." Astrid added, "What are you going to do about it?" She provoked

There was a pause between the both of them

"Probably something stupid." Hiccup shrugged

"Good. But you've already done that." Astrid tried to get him to where he needed to be

Another pause

"Then something crazy." Hiccup turned around and started running

"That's more like it." Astrid smiled, before running after him...

"...And that's the conversation that sparked it I guess" Hiccup finishes

"Wow, so, I guess, we have, Astrid, who is the one behind all this" Hope pointed at her

"Yeah, your right. If Astrid didn't talk to Hiccup, they might not have gotten their dragons, and been able to get Toothless back" Eret added

"What about getting Toothless back dad?" Eerika popped her head up, and Toothless awoke to the sound of his name, Eerika started walking over, her prosthetic clicking with every other step, soon the clicking of Stoick's was heard and the slight thumping of Helka and Faith's boots

"Oh, your uncle was just telling us a story about when he and your aunt were a little older than Faith and Helka" Hope gestured for her to sit down

"Which one?" Stoick sat next to his father

Soon, almost the entire Haddock family was gathered in one giant circle

"The one where your father watched your grandfather sail off with Toothless, it was the day that he lost his leg" Hope answered

"That was a sad but also happy story" Helka rocked back and forth

"Well, I'm getting tired, and it's getting late, I'm gonna head home mom" Faith stood up and mounted Violet

"Why not we all head back" Astrid stood up, as did everyone else

So, everyone mounted their respected dragons and flew back to the village...

Did you, remember when that happened?

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