You Promised... Part 2

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Hiccup was still standing upon a high cliff, looking into the horizon, where far away there was a boat. On that boat, was the blonde haired, beautiful shining ocean-colored eyed girl that was his one and only love. He had no idea who that girl was, but, he had a feeling that he should be close to her. He also had something in his gut hurting him. Hiccup didn't know why he was, but he had been standing there for hours watching that boat disappear with each minute.

Hiccup's POV

I woke with a jolt. Just as I opened my eyes, I saw something big, black and blurry. I then adjusted myself while rubbing my eyes, and just as I did, the figure before me turned out to be a giant, scaly black lizard with big green eyes. I screamed at the top of his lungs, not knowing what that thing was. Though this creature is not attacking me for some reason. In what looked like confusion the creature backed away from me. Then in less than a minute, a woman who looked in her middle 40s with green eyes and auburn-red hair ran into the room

"Hiccup what's wrong?!" The lady asked

I don't know this lady, in fact, I looked around myself, I have no idea where I am. I felt a wave of pain come over my head

"Hiccup? Son are you okay? You look confused and scared." The woman walked over to me "I hope that fall didn't do too much to your head."

"Who are you?" I asked as sane as I could

The woman looked worried

"Toothless please wait outside." The lady told the creature "I'm going to go and get Gothi, don't move son, it won't take long."

Later on, the woman came back with what looked like a 100-year-old woman who was half the height of her staff.

She poked and prodded me and looked me over before she started scribbling on the ground with her staff

"She wants to know what your name is." The woman asked

"Hiccup." I answered

The short woman scribbled again

"How old are you?"

"I. I don't know."

The woman frowned before looking back down at the ground

"Where are you?"

"I don't know."

After a bit more talking, I was told that I had lost my memory. I was told that woman with auburn-reddish hair was my mother and she told me that the black creature is my best friend Toothless, a dragon. She also said that I shouldn't be afraid of him because Toothless would never ever hurt me. She told me a lot of things about my life that I couldn't seem to recall at all. The short woman scribbled on the ground saying that I would eventually remember everything again, but it would take a lot of time. I then met with a girl who looked exactly like me

"Hiccup?" The girl walked in

"Who are you?" I turned to face her

"It's your twin sister, Hope. I have some drawings and sketches that I want you to look at."

She sat down on the foot of the bed with papers in her hand

"Okay, I want you to look at these and tell me if you recognize anything." She pulled out a drawing of five teens, all with creatures behind them "Do you recognize them?"

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